My issue and biggest disappointment with Airbnb is removing the profile pictures prior to a booking being made. We live in a world of social media and profile pictures, it is not in any hosts interest to be prejudice about what someone looks like, hosts are more compassionate than Airbnb take them for. What you have removed is the personal contact that has become the norm in today’s society, we like to have a face when we’re communicating with people coming to stay with us, it was all part of the experience. I never turned a booking down based on what someone looks like but now I find myself much more wary especially if the guest doesn’t have any reviews, simply because I can’t see or hear them, they are just words, you are making our guests a number and have totally changed the experience as a host. I assume the guests can see what the host looks like? Please for 2021 put our guests profile pictures back up and let us relive and engage in our differences not hide behind an empty space! Personally as I guest, I would want a host to see my profile picture and if I didn’t I’d just put a picture of a plant there but at least that would say something about me in a simple picture.