We have a mix of Toronto Ontario Condos and some do allow Ai...
We have a mix of Toronto Ontario Condos and some do allow Airbnb It seems it has taken longer than the normal to get bookin...
I wrote about a project "Dining Room/ Guest Suite Entrance" that I had hoped to get done this year in the "Spruce Up" thread before the virus effect both cut my booking to nearly nothing and also is keeping me home because I work in a university that has gone online for the time being. So I had allot of time on my hands and decided to move the project from the "hope" column to the "in Progress" column, I added some pics to the online posting and @Stephanie mentioned it might make a good thread so here goes.
This space is unique in the fact it acts more as a guest entrance for and connection to the private bathroom for Guest Space # 2 (our easy access suite) than a dining room and it hasn't had more than a touch up in 40 years and most of that work was poorly done. It needs insulation on a couple outside walls, new electric in a few areas, the horsehair plaster and lath is breaking out in too many places and crumbling, the floor needs patching and refinishing and all around, its what I refer to as a 3/4 gut. There are a couple wall sec
tions and the ceiling that are savable but everything else has to go.
This project is a bit different feel than most, there is no urgency, Ive shut it down for a month although were still listing the 3 bedroom suite upstairs. I suspect I will be "working from home" for a few more weeks so I don't have to do the madman rush like I do when I usually only have a week to do what I will have a month to do this time. I can stop when I get tired or have eaten enough plaster or itchy from the Fiberglass and enjoy Bull Bat Hour with my favorite adult beverage (also my planning time). I will put some pics from the beginning and add as I go, so far I've not hit any obstacles I hadn't anticipated but you never know about today until you reach tomorrow! Stay well and keep busy if you can, John
Main Entrance
Bedroom Entrance
Draped off Entrance to kitchen
Bathroom Entrance
Bathroom Entrance
This is about 9 days worth of work and still lots to do. More prep today on the other walls getting ready to sheet rock. Its nice to see it all starting to come together. John
floor repaired
Air seal, Tyvec and Furring
insulate outside wall
John Enjoys Bull Bat Hour!
wainscot goes up
All sheet-rocked
Ready to Mud!
2nd coat of mud
Mud and Caulk
Last coat of mud, starting to sand floor
4th coat of mud, time to work on the floors
Trim and ceiling are painted
Chair rail and floor perimeter
more paint
Blue paint done
Walls are painted
@Quincy , @Stephanie @Sarah977 , @Huma0 , @Mike-And-Helen0 , @Dimitar27 , Wahoooooooo! It's Substantially complete, about 3 weeks From 80% Gut to finished (mostly! ). There are still the special touches left to do, new curtains, decorations and a new front door but its very presentable now and I can unblock the downstairs suite that goes with this now (not that I have to worry about a rush of traffic at the moment). This has been a great project and now I can remember my Covid break for something more than just a unscheduled pointless vacation. The Governor of NY just added another month to our Pause so its time to start another project. I will let you know what that turns out to be, stay well my friends, JR
@Melodie-And-John0 Looks wonderful, congrats on a job well done.
I'm going to be designer/seamstress Sarah here, though, and give some unsolicited advice, which I won't be the least bit offended if you disagree with. You changed out those too-short curtains for the blinds, which looks so much better. But that gathered valance over the door? It doesn't go with anything else- all the other window treatment and the closet curtain are clean, flat lines.
I'd narrow that valance fabric, so it hangs straight, rather than gathered up.
Thanks @Sarah977 , I agree, The Valence is old and just hasnt been replaced, its going by by as soon as Melodie gets the new curtains, Once the new is up, I will add pics, Thanks JR
@Sarah977 , were either going gold or darker tan, the online choices are not so great unless we go custom and I'm not planning on doubling the cost of this renovation with drapes if I can avoid it! I'm guessing I'm going to have to play Seamstress as well before this is done (I sew pretty well but its been awhile), nothing standard in a 200 year old house and our windows are far from standard, 66" tall opening is unfit for the 63" or 72" standard panels and I cant go long with the radiators below each window. JR
Wow, this looks like quite the project and good to see you are still cracking on. It has inspired me to get going with projects here as well and use this time constructively. My house is currently empty and I only have one uncancelled booking in the next two months (the guest has already told me she will cancel), so if not now, then when?
I have so many things to do here (though none on the scale of your dining room) that it's difficult to know where to start. I will start writing up a list of projects, room by room and step by step. I hate 'to do' lists, but if I don't, I'll just end up roaming from one area to another, pondering my options!
Although I am still reeling from the shock of losing my (Airbnb and other) income and disconcerted to be suddenly in this four bedroom house by myself, there is not much sense wallowing in pity. If I do start hosting again (and that is debatable), at least I will have a much nicer place on offer and, if not, well I will have a nicer home to live in and a better offer for long-term lodgers if I go that route.
Thanks for commenting @Huma0,I have one of those to do lists in my head, it never ends (until the last day)! Just remember that projects are just a bunch of small tasks so take it one piece at a time and before you know it, you will have many things done! Stay well, John
@Melodie-And-John0 Reminds me of similar work I did little by little over the years to my 100 year old house in Canada (sold 10 years ago). The walls had old newspaper between the framing as insulation. I actually found a few that were in good condition, from the 1940s. Found a few other antiques tresures in there, too.
As a professional seamstress, I'm itching to lengthen those window curtains of yours by about 4 inches so they reach to the bottom of the window :-))🙂
Have fun!