Hi all, I’ve been a host for 5 months now in a city centre. Whilst most clients are excellent I’ve unfortunately experienced a situation or two where the minority spoil it for the majority. I’ve recently had a guest book last minute for 3 nights saying there was one guest but it in fact turned out to be two guests claiming to be in town for a Botox course. On the first night the police were called in the early hours to a man outside my apartment door shouting how he wanted his money back. Long story short I had scamming transgender prostitutes operating from my property who had taken money from a man and played a recorded voice of a supposed boyfriend returning home allowing them to push him out quickly whilst taking his money! I have strong suspicions that a single lady last min booking a month prior to this was also a prostitute as she took with her the bin bag and also checked out a day early and wouldn’t answer my messages at all.
Obviously this cannot continue and I have learnt a very hard lesson so now I’m upping my security by asking guests more questions and requesting ID and full names of attending guests. My settings are now on request to book only I’m experiencing a problem whereas the potential guest is unable to send their ID copy over the air bnb message system. I’ve tried to send through my email address to them but it gets hidden by air bnb until I accept the booking. Any ideas what the way round this is please?