Push notifications from ABB App failed

Level 6
Levin, New Zealand

Push notifications from ABB App failed

Hi anyone else have a problem with push notifications from air bnb failing?


I didn't see a booking request for 12 hours! Because no notifications showed up on my phone or tablet and I was busy with another guest at the time so I didn't go looking at my email otherwise. But if I see seen airbnb notification come up on my phone I will go and look at it.


But nothing. First I knew was when I received a text message from airbnb next morning. 

Wondered if anyone else has had this problem?


Never been an issue before. But I nearlylost this booking. And we did have some communication problems around the check in arrangements following the late booking. This could have a knock on effect to reviews later.


I've checked my notification settings and they are all on. 


Anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it?

1 Reply 1
Level 4
Asheville, NC

Apparently this has been a problem since 2016. Here's a thread about it: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Help/SMS-Notifications-not-working/m-p/213217


When I first started using Airbnb years ago, I got all my notifications.  Then one day it stopped sending me notifications for new bookings.  I had to stop allowing same day bookings, I turned off instant book and I constantly check my email for new requests.