

Do Air B & B honour payments that guests default on. EG booking for 28 days plus and guest does not pay for subsequent months? Or does the host have to suffer the loss?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Norman156 Airbnb do two fundamental  things for their service fees. They market your property and they collect money for your property. Sadly, and some would say astoundingly, it is clear in their Ts&Cs that if they fail to collect the money they have no liability whatsoever so the host sucks up the loss.

This is one of the reasons why I would never take a long term reservation through Airbnb. After the first month if the guest doesn't pay then, depending on local laws, you may end up with a tenant to evict with no contract and/or deposit in place. Similar issues can occur when a short term guest books last minute but at least they don't have tenants rights.

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Norman156 I see you are in England. Some believe that tenants have rights after 30 days in England but I haven't found that in any law I can find. I believe (but am not 100% sure) that it partly depends on length of stay (I have seen 6 months quoted) but also critically on how utilities and council tax are paid - If paid by the guest there is more chance of them being a tenant.

Finally if you are in a tenancy situation then you will have needed to give EPC certificates and deposit protection to the tenant or you will be breaching the rental laws.