The ratings are a simple math equation. And they update in real time. Plug all your ratings into a spreadsheet. Average them out. There is a 100% chance that all your total ratings average to the rating on your profile.
So in your case, at 60 reviews total and being a 4.95, you likely have all 5-stars and three (3) 4-star reviews. Or possibly all 5-stars, and one (1) 3-star and one (1) 4-star. Or very close to this.
It takes a while to offset a 4-star review and takes a REALLY LONG while to offset a 3-star review. 2-stars and 1-stars are pretty much a listing death sentence.
It's that simple.
Edit: you've also hosted only 6 reviews in the last full year. That's not gonna move the needle. You need to be hosting several per month at a minimum to start seeing that average star rating move. Again, it's a simple math equation. Nothing more.