Rating system makes no sense

Level 2
Sister Islands, Cayman Islands

Rating system makes no sense

Why is it that we rate guests on 3 criteria and the average is their rating BUT guests can give you 5 stars on each if the 6 criteria but still give a 4 star overall???!!! Makes no sense! Hosts' ratings should be an average just like guests. @Airbnb how many times must guests complain about this nonsense before something is done? It is so unfair!

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nordia0 To add fuel to the fire a host rating is shown to 2 decimal places whereas a guest's is shown to 1 decimal place. This means a guest gets back to 5 stars when their average is 4.95 whereas a host gets back to 5 stars when their average is 4.995.

Ah well - I guess life is just not fair.

Level 2
Sister Islands, Cayman Islands

They really should make the rating policy the same right across the board. @Airbnb 

I would call airbnb and ask them for those specific stays why your rating was 4 when you were rated 5 in all categories.  I called them for mine and they said it was because the guest left the category "respects house rules" blank.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Breighana0 spamming the forum is also against the rules

Answering valid host questions with a possible answer is not against any rules I've read, but thanks for your input 👍