So, someone booked tonight and asked if I have any rules I am very serious about ... uh ... not a great way to start this transaction. Makes me nervous.
So, are the penalties less severe for canceling an instant book? I guess I should know these rules. I am starting again and previously instant books had to have several verifications and good reviews. I think this person just is brand new to the site.
@Daniel38 Your instincts are right because that question is meant to put you in a defensive, back-pedaling position, a very weak position to take in any negotiation. That's why @Kitty-and-Creek0's method is the best. Just give them the rules and don't let the guest direct the narrative about the rules. Don't defend the rules. Don't cherry-pick the rules. Don't bend or modify the rules. Just say here are the rules and keep a poker face until they're forced to choke out their next question - which will inevitably be some form of "Can we break Rule #1?"