Refund from stay

Level 2
Seattle, WA

Refund from stay

I made a reservation and cancelled after the first hour of check in and I understand I will not get all my money back. I read the set refund policy which was I would loose the first nights cost + tax and the Airbnb service cost. Where a night stay was 268.67 , service fee of 243.11 , cleaning fee of 110 and taxes/fees of 259.68. For 6 nights my total was 2224.79 and I only got back 1247.16. the amount of $977.62 to cancel seemed way to high and assuming taxes split over 6 nights (43.28) and the service fee totaling I would expect to loose 555.06 for the cancellation. I'm just trying to figure where the extra $422 is going and the host will not respond (4 days of nothing) and Airbnb support says they can not do anything. What else can I do?

10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Alex9120 I thought under the flexible cancellation policy you would lose the night you stayed (even if only for an hour) + 1 night So effectively 2 nights.

Why did you leave? If the listing was substandard then you have other rights.

I left because for the convention I was there for I needed people to help me get ready and the building refused to allow anyone it that is not apart of the reservation (which was not made known until day of the reservation). Also even if I have to pay the extra day that still does not add up to the refund I was due. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sorry this one's on you many hosts don't allow people who haven't booked to be at a listing.


if you wanted to bring people into the listing who weren't on the booking, this is something you should be checked with the host before making a booking @Alex9120 


airbnb Are the only ones who can explain the breakdown of your refund 

The cancellation policy said nothing about an extra night on the posting. My main issue is that no one is willing to break down the costs, either airbnb or the host so I don't understand the full charges and no one seems able to do anything or even want to.

Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi @Alex9120 🙂

The most lenient cancellation policy Airbnb got is the flexible one. You will have to pay for the first night (the arrival day and the day you chose to cancel) plus an extra. You will have to pay the cleaning fee and the service fee. The host will get paid for 2 nights and you will get a refund for nights after the 2 nights. 
That is what the cancellation policy says.

But why is this not listed on the front of where the cancellation policy is. The policy listed clearly says: Partial refund: Get back every night that remains 24 hours after you cancel. No refund of nights you spent or the service fee. There is * saying read more, it just states that and nothing more. If there is more that it is false advertising. The link is also for people setting up the airbnb, why would someone staying in one go into those articles. If amazon said free 30 returns and you return something and now you pay shipping to send it back and that is mentioned hidden far away you would be mad also.

Hi again @Alex9120

You should be able to read the policy when you booked and on your reservation? The place was reserved for you so no one else could book and the host offered the most lenient policy so I think it is fair. The host most likely won’t be able to get the 4 days rebooked. 
Sorry you didn’t know that bringing extra people into an Airbnb isn’t considered acceptable. 

I did read the policy, I just copy and pasted it. It says nothing about the additional charges I was being charged and again I will show you. Nothing says anything about cleaning, extra nights in that statement. 


Partial refund: Get back every night that remains 24 hours after you cancel. No refund of nights you spent or the service fee. 


I also accept not asking if I could bring extra people and that's why I cancelled and eating that cost was my mistake. If they loose out on extra days renting that's it a occupational risk and being a landlord myself understand that risks associated with it.

@Alex9120 “Get back every night that remains 24 hours AFTER you cancel” = the extra night you paid. IMO it should be obvious that you won’t get the service fee and cleaning fee back since you 1) used the platform 2) you cancelled after check in and the host will have to clean before a new guest. 

I can understand the extra night part now but the cleaning fee. You said obvious and it is not. The policy does not state that it says service fee which in the breakdown of the cost has Airbnb as the service fee.