Rental new regulation update operating company

Rental new regulation update operating company

Dear community! 

does anyone know how by holding a digital certificate, owners themselves can inform the tourist office ( in our case Junta de Andalucia) about an operating Company for being compliant with new regulations? 

which form should be filled in and how? According to documentation, it seems it is the operating Company that should inform the tourist office about their client not vice versa? Anyone to confirm or give a piece of advice? 

thanks in advance! 


1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Mehran22 😊

thank you for asking this question in the community!

Have you been able to understand this in the meantime?

If not, I recommend connecting with local hosts in your area through our 👉 Local Host Clubs for guidance.


Or you can also ask this in the 👉 Spanish Community Center!


I hope this helps.


Warm regards ‌🌻‌,



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