Reopening is daunting, at best. We have 2 reservations. Two. That’s it. Our units are tiny homes (shipping containers), so not really set up for long term stays. We are at a loss and not at all comfortable with opening, at all. We don’t want to contribute to community spread, we’re worried about our cleaner and I’m at risk… and we need money. Ugh.
These are times, aren't they! Is there a way you could market to 1st responders? Some folks would rather live solo in a small space rather than with several housemates, what is the long term rental market like? ( check local rent laws & don't use this platform! ) I have been trying to apply for the new gig economy unemployment ins, been paying the local taxes so assume I'm eligible, is there anything like that happening in your state? Best of luck & stay well.
We have a place in Mableton, and my husband applied for Georgia's Unemployment benefits. He was declined, and then he sent a rebuttal stating that he was applying for benefits under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) for gig workers since it was his primary income. We have been notified that he qualifies, and we need to submit our 2019 tax return.