Hi Mark thank you for the reply. The guests came and went. I can’t get anyone out of the Airbnb support team to answer this question.
Knowing the guest and I made the exception from our 2 guest limit to add a 3rd. And I never would have accepted the reservation with a 4th
So the question,,, at/during check in, 4 guests show up for an accepted 3 guest reservation. What prey tell are my options ?
We even sent out our 2 day pre check in cheat sheet stating the reservation details, 3 guests, 6 nights, times, etc…
They violated my house rules by exceeding the guest limit.
Coupled with,,, I’m using Airbnb terminology here A "Reservation Agreement Violation"(basically the same thing).
If this happens again I just want to be prepared, On The Spot.
Am getting no where with Airbnb about this. Any insight would be much appreciated Mark .
Thanks Heeps