Help me to understand... I have had two instances in 3+ years of hosting where a person was able to instant book my Airbnb farther out than my availability window. It just happened again today. My availability window is 3 months in advance. Someone just booked August and it's barely into February.
First of all, how did this happen? I haven't updated my calendar that far in advance. Airbnb's parameters should protect against this.
Secondly, the nightly price they got was much lower because pricing hasn't adjusted for summer. I would normally get $20-$30 more per night in August since it's high season. But Smart Pricing hasn't adjusted it yet.
Finally, can I cancel on this person without repercussions with Airbnb and my superhost status if I'm not available then?
Thanks in advance for help and insights.
Allison in Bellingham