Revenge review from a guest + customer support lied about blocking reviews

Revenge review from a guest + customer support lied about blocking reviews

I had an awful experience with a guest that caused damages breaking the wall, a printer, and throwing a huge party during Covid that had to be reported. Neighbors complained about guests parking in their driveway, entering their homes by mistake, playing loud music on street, drugs outside and involved the police. I had to file for damages and report the guests. Airbnb customer support told me that I don't need to write a review because none of use will be able to share the review due to the situation. Before you know it I get the revenge review from my guest. I didn't even get a chance to review the guest and was lied to by airbnb customer service. Clearly the guests were outraged when they realized I had footage captured from neighbors' camera of their cars parked in my neighbors driveway and their guests going into other houses by mistake looking for party!


The reviewed the revenge review, this is 2 star compared to my all 5 star reviews and decided it was fair. How did they decide that and how was I advised not to leave a review when the guest did, that will all remain a mystery. I provided evidence that the review was not accurate and full of lies to revenge, but they want me to share that publicly, when some of this stuff is private messages and pictures that can't be shared. Airbnb is definitely losing my trust there, extremely disappointed... I wonder what it would take for @Airbnb  to do the fair thing and remove this biased review from my profile. 

4 Replies 4

It says 5 mins for customer service to answer, and no one really gets back to you not even the chat specialist. Good job @Airbnb Screen Shot 2020-09-06 at 6.20.01 PM.png

Level 2
United States

I'm sorry this happened to you and it is frustrating. In the Terms of Service it specifically mentions that AirBnb does not arbitrate the telling of lies. I had a similar situation in July where a guest was acting in disturbing ways all day then barricaded us into our apartment. I had tried all day unsuccessfully to get a hold of anyone at Airbnb and eventually live streamed my security camera on Facebook with a plea for friends and family to get a hold of someone at Airbnb. The police had come and were waiting for permission from AirBnb to extract the guest. Trust and Safety never called them. Or returned my call. That permission never came and the police eventually left. Of course that guest left us a 1 star review, and even though every other review has been 5 star, and since we are new and only 1 review away from Superhost Status, it sure is frustrating. I've had an open ticket since Aug 2nd trying to get a resolution about the 1 star. Recently the support case manager said it was because I didn't "Respect House Rules" that I, as host, set up. Does that even make sense? Not to me. I've been keeping screenshots of the ridiculous statements by this "case manager" and I don't understand anything they try to explain. It's all gobbly-**bleep**. What have I learned from this experience? #1 Always have an exit plan. #2 Understand what is legal in self defence of yourself and your property in the area you live #3 there are ways to get someone out when neither the police nor Airbnb will help, you just need to do some research. Remember AirBnb is a booking platform, that's all. Learn to be self sufficient because you can not rely on Airbnb.

apparently one can not use the word "**bleep**" 

it's the word book but with a g


here in Canada that's not an expletive

I could also say loosey Goosey