Review feedback for guests who went into my private space

Level 10
Wilmington, NC

Review feedback for guests who went into my private space

Ugh. I find it so easy to give advice on reviews when I'm not the host in question! Would love feedback on this one.


I host a room in my home. The guests were friendly and otherwise good guests except that 1) Their dog used a LITTER BOX (I've never heard of this before and although I prohibit pee pads, I never thought I'd have to mention a litter box, lol) and litter was scattered about the room. Nothing terrible though, so whatever.


2) The closet in the room is the largest in my old house so I use it for storage and it's not available to guests. I mention this in my listing, in my house manual, and in a VERY CLEAR SIGN in the room. However, since my room is tiny, I do say they are welcome to stash their suitcases in the closet for extra room, but, again, explicitly say, please do not disturb my belongings. And guess what they did? They pulled out a duvet that was in the closet as well as a fitted sheet and I have no clue how they used the fitted sheet. Both were left on top of the bed when they checked out. The other sheets were still on the bed in normal position. Nothing was stained or wet.


I don't want advice about having an off-limits closet. That's not going to change. I have a small house and need the storage so I'm not clearing it out for guests!


I am going to give them private feedback about the invasion of privacy, but haven't decided how to handle the public review. I'm definitely dinging them on stars for the house rules, but not sure whether to mention in the review that they disturbed my personal belongings or not. What say ye?

46 Replies 46

@Huma0   I believe your number has recently been changed….


(yes, block this person…. Life’s too short)

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Suzanne302 I would let this one go. At most add it to the private message. I bet other people took stuff out too, these were just blunt (or honest?) enough to leave it out. This will continue to happen. You are very clear in your message that your room is tiny so no need to accommodate the suitcases, I dont think

Thanks @Inna22 !


I don't think anyone else has taken anything out. Most of the stuff in there is holiday decorations, frames, curtains, etc. Things I don't use on a regular basis and nothing exciting for a guest to want to snag. My mistake was leaving the extra set of sheets in there and these guests were one of the few who stayed 3 nights so they probably felt more "at home" and settled in than my usual guests who are only here for 1-2 nights.

@Suzanne302 I wouldn't find this transgression serious enough to mention in the public review. But if they didn't ask whether a litter box was acceptable before booking, I would definitely mention that and thumbs-down. 


Like @Inna22, my main concern would be that other guests having using the forbidden linens. The main effect your signage has is to compel the guests to cover their tracks by putting those things back unwashed. Any child who's heard the tale of Adam and Eve could tell you what happens when you put something in front of people but tell them it's forbidden. 

@Anonymousthanks for your insight! As a pet-friendly host I realize I open myself up to certain things, but I would also want to know if a guest was bringing a litter box, especially in such a tiny space, geez.



@Suzanne302  I'm a dog-friendly host who also prohibits pee-pads and would indeed be unamused with a litter box, which is one of the many reasons that we don't allow cats. Geez, are we at the point to need an "all dogs must potty outside of the house" rule?  I do hope that you'll mention the litter box in the public review!


And IMO it's relevant that it was bedding that they nabbed from your closet. I can see how one might think it was the exception to the sign (even though you didn't name any exceptions) since they were renting a bedroom. However, had it been your holiday decor that was used and left out on the bed, that would be something to mention 🙂




I'm sorry, I don't know if your text didn't post or if I don't understand some kind of code?


Level 10
Austin, TX

@Suzanne302  Despite the temptation factor, I think your guest behavior with the closet & with the litter box merit less stars and a not super review. And could you store things in vacuum sealed bags or plastic tubs or one more layer of separation btwn them and your items since the door & the sign weren’t enough. And yes, make them keep themselves entirely out of the closet. 

now your turn: recent guest was shown house rules with arrival/departure times & asked to confirm that all terms fit their schedule. Arrival day: we’d like to turn up around 1pm (3 hours early). Is told no& so comes after 4 as normal. Next morning, departure day 924am: would it be ok for us to leave at 11? Is told no & so leaves mostly by 10 as is listed. Is this a faux pas worth mentioning in review or does it fall in the ‘you won’t get what you don’t ask for’ category?? (They booked one day before coming so not a plans changed or we forgot situation)

@Kelly149   I'm not the one you asked, but I'd put that one in the "you won't get what you don't ask for" category. Some hosts are more flexible than others, so it's not audacious to ask, but what matters most is that guests accept the response respectfully and honor the boundaries.

And yes @Anonymous  this was true, asked answered and all else was just fine. It does indicate a bit of a hotel-type mindset from a new to abb guest but definitely not the worst we’ve seen this summer. 



I agree with Andrew. Sounds like they asked and respected your answer. At least they didn't show up 3 hours early!

@Kelly149 We say in our listing that 'late checkout only if available' in other words if there are not rushed bookings then,maybe ,but ask .also baggage drop off by arrangement only .no one ever has dropped baggage off . Early checkin is something people ask for if they travel long ways and simply do not know your area well .Not something I like but it must be at the hosts discretion because sometimes its a red flag. Late checkout is something people with children ask for if they are still travelling ,so driving co ordinates with sleeping babies . But early check in is the one I find vextatious because cleaning is probably in process as the couple of hours before guest arrival is the most hectic . H

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Good idea RE the vacuum sealed bags. It might not deter all guests, but I'd assume it would deter most.


RE the early check in/late check out, a lot of guests are going to ask for this (at least mine did when I was still hosting short term stays). I try not to get annoyed, because it is something that I would ask for at a hotel, but I'm happy to take no for an answer.


If the guest asked once and then respected your decision, I would let it go. If a guest asks repeatedly or turns up early after being told it's not possible (has happened to me several times, with guests even turning up SIX hours early), then that's a major thumbs down from me.

Level 10
Hawaii, United States

A simple lock would solve this. I think I would be annoyed if I had to share a closet with a host. People don't read and they may have misunderstood you. Just lock it up.