Reviews hosts have made for guests

Level 2
Vancouver, Canada

Reviews hosts have made for guests

Under Progress - Reviews - it used to be that you could select "Reviews about you" or "Reviews you have made about guests".  The last option is no longer available.  Where can I find all the reviews I have made for guests?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Orono, ME

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

As far as I know - nowhere

Level 10
Alberta, Canada



@Helen8 @Branka-and-Silvia0  it seems we can no longer find reviews, to be able to edit. I did find these instructions from AIrbnb as shown here, but nowhere in my profile do I see ‘reviews by you.’ I don’t see it anywhere else either. 

@Nick could you possibly check into this? It’s a very important feature that seems to be gone, or too well buried. 


ETA: @Helen8 I think I figured it out. From within your dashboard, try going to any recent review by a guest and clicking 'reply' or 'view reply'. This takes you in to another screen where you can see reviews you've written. This is far too well buried though. Needs fixing, or else insructions edited!

Level 10
Orono, ME