
Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand


Can someone please help me with this

I had a guest who 5 starred me on all prerequisites and then gave me a 4 star overall .how does this work

My overall experience with Airbnb help line was painful with all tge excuses like my shift is finishing now This was repetitive  on all communication.wake up Airbnb without hosts and lack of host support you may be losing hosts


1 Best Answer
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Cheryl8  The overall star rating is a separate rating, not any average of the separate category ratings. This business of giving 5*s across the board and then a 4* overall happens a lot and can be for many reasons, or none that are explainable.


Possible reasons:

Guest never leaves 5*s because "nothing is ever perfect".


Airbnb tells guests that 4*s indicates "Good". So the guest thinks they are giving a good rating the host will be pleased with. And there's nothing wrong with Good in the real world, just in Airbnb land.


There was something that wasn't covered under the category ratings. Maybe the guest found the bed uncomfortable, maybe they were bothered by traffic noise, maybe they thought there weren't enough kitchen utensils, could be anything.


None of the above. Just fickle.


Don't fret over it. It isn't the end of the world. Few hosts can maintain a 5* rating, no matter how wonderful the place is, nor how attentive the host. Ratings are the way Airbnb keeps hosts stressed out and jumping to please every guest, no matter how entitled or demanding they are. Don't get sucked into it. 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Cheryl8  The overall star rating is a separate rating, not any average of the separate category ratings. This business of giving 5*s across the board and then a 4* overall happens a lot and can be for many reasons, or none that are explainable.


Possible reasons:

Guest never leaves 5*s because "nothing is ever perfect".


Airbnb tells guests that 4*s indicates "Good". So the guest thinks they are giving a good rating the host will be pleased with. And there's nothing wrong with Good in the real world, just in Airbnb land.


There was something that wasn't covered under the category ratings. Maybe the guest found the bed uncomfortable, maybe they were bothered by traffic noise, maybe they thought there weren't enough kitchen utensils, could be anything.


None of the above. Just fickle.


Don't fret over it. It isn't the end of the world. Few hosts can maintain a 5* rating, no matter how wonderful the place is, nor how attentive the host. Ratings are the way Airbnb keeps hosts stressed out and jumping to please every guest, no matter how entitled or demanding they are. Don't get sucked into it. 

Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand

Thank you......why could this not be explained to me when I contacted Airbnb.??  Their customer service is not the best for such a massive platform .

@Cheryl8  They've become next to useless. The CS dept is now outsourced to a third party provider and the reps are clueless robots, many appear not to be particularly fluent in English, and they don't even know Airbnb policies, you have to spoonfeed it to them. 


Unless you have an issue only Airbnb can deal with, this forum is much better for getting answers to questions from other hosts, who can usually explain things clearly and simply.