We had one of the worst Airbnb experiences imaginable, and A...
We had one of the worst Airbnb experiences imaginable, and Airbnb is refusing to help. Our host falsely accused us of breakin...
of the Apartment for rent.
Hello, dear hosts.
---- A little preview of who I am (beneath this preview you can read the actual post) ------
I’m also the host on Airbnb (Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Kiev - the capital), but daily rent is more an experiment for me, as my major emphasis is a long term rent for international police and embassy workers. And as I am an international marketer, the daily rent field teaches me a lot in terms of marketing.
Some of you, guys, told me before that I’m having very original and not common “military” style of hosting. And some were surprised how is it possible to get clients this way. So, in my future posts I will explain to you the other side of rental coin and what is it like to be a military type of host.
For the ones who were not acquainted with me before, here is one of my “military style” experimental rental spaces on Airbnb in one of the Oldest Guest Houses in Europe with the strongest-longest house rules list ever, and by the moment of writing this post I am surprisingly a “Superhost”:
So, last time, we noticed in our building to have an intense traffic of very young people of 18-22 coming as tourists or students to Kiev from The Middle East countries. Somehow in their age category Airbnb is very popular. Although a lot of these youngsters are originally from very well provided families, when young people are trying to build up a trip by themselves and show their independence from parents, they choose to rent a good quality room in apartment for diplomats in the very center of the capital instead of staying in the hotels.
I had many clients like this. Very young Insta-models who finally went on their vacations without parental control. But their fathers always called me on the phone to be sure that their daughters are going to a safe place.
One of the calls I got from the middle east father sounded like this:
- Can you place my daughter 5 hours before the check in time?
- No, sorry, I can not. Check in is at 14.00 as written in my ad. We have a lot of police living in the house, so everything we do is strictly according to the charter, minute in a minute. Is your daughter aware that she’s renting a room in “police department” type of building?
- Yes, of course she has read!!!
- And, Papa, remind your daughter, there are NO ADDITIONAL GUESTS FROM THE SIDE OF LESSEE ARE ALLOWED!
- Perfect! - happy father exclaims, - NO ADDITIONAL GUESTS! (appeals to his daughter in a mentor tone, and gets back to me in a whisper) - There will be no additional guests, I promise you...
So, that is one of the strongest winning marketing positions of “military” type of hosting .The Middle East father is having less headache letting her young daughter go to another country. And I’m having an income.
I am even thinking upon placing a new advertisement line in my ad:
“Wanna save your daughter’s virginity over her weekend trip - place her in my Apartment”
If you wanna know how we keep guests disciplined in our Apartments, you can also read this thread:
And here is also my post about
Your post alway add great value to my knowledge of hosting, keep up the good work Olga.
by the way I was 58 when I lost my Virginity to Airbnb.
@Cormac0 Yes, and it was all fun and games in the beginning until you realized the abusive nature of your de-flowerer.
Five stars! lol
This reminds me of one of my husband’s colleagues. He happens to be a very handsome man. When ever they attend scientific conferences, his wife books him a room at a monastery.
Maybe jealous wives could also be a market for you?
(or maybe not if the Instagram models are housed in the same place.)
daughters can always lose their virginity outside the building :))) think about adding 24/7 police escort to your amenities as well 😄
There's an additinal complication, how will Olga know that these yourng ladies are virgo intacta when they arrive?
Perhaps Airbnb should set up a special section to handle this very delicate matter.
We've all head about the “plus programme” presumedly, how about the “Virgin Plus programme”, although I’ll readily admit this could be virgin on the ridiculous
@Branka-and-Silvia0 I have special condition in a contract they sign. Sounds like:
"The Owner of Apartment is not responsible for behavior of people / animals / birds / transport and other equipment outside of Apartment."
I wondered what if papa sue you when/if he finds out his daughter lost her virginity... but , of course.... @Olga464 you are unbeatable 😄 😄
@Branka-and-Silvia0 he can not sue me by local law. And i do not visit the mid east
@Olga464This is awesome 🙂 I love it , just love it.
Oh oh! You could add a unique amenity to your listing to really please the Middle Eastern Papa's 🙂