Segregation of listings for Airbnb property managers to give individual listing reviews

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Segregation of listings for Airbnb property managers to give individual listing reviews

It would be great to see Airbnb change the account structure for property managers to allow each listing to have standalone reviews, and therefore considered independently for Superhost status. Maintaining Superhost status for 60+ properties has proven very difficult - there is just too much scope for variance in review scores between different properties. However, this means that our very highly rated properties with 4.9+ no longer have Superhost status. This is not only unfair of the owners of these properties, but it is against Airbnbs interest as Superhost listings perform better. And these listings have all the elements of a Superhost listing,  they are just being dragged down by completely separate properties we manage that are not scoring well.


This could be achieved with a special account status for professional management businesses operating on Airbnb. 

4 Replies 4

Hi @William74  (and everyone) Happy New Year!  Thanks for this suggestion on the Superhost program.

We've definitely heard a lot of feedback about how the program works for hosts with many listings, including your suggestion here. We continue to explore how best to ensure all high quality hosts get recognized and rewarded.

For example, last year we made a modification to the cancellation criteria to allow one cancellation per 100 trips booked over the past yearwhich means a cancellation rate of less than 1% across all of your listings. (see this public community center post for more info)

My suggestion is the Superhost program is one of those topics best discussed in the public host community, either in the thread above or by starting a new one.

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Thanks, will do. Just thought it was relevant here as what I am suggesting is a special account status for professional hosts/property managers 


Absolutely, thanks for bringing it up here William.  I don't think we hear enough feedback on this topic from professional hosts in the public forums, so thanks in advance if you decide to bring this up there as well.

Level 3
Otago, New Zealand

I like this idea also and have also.

Ive also thought Super host status should be tied to each listing for the same reason. If an owner sells for example and for some reason you cant make the guests happy with alternate options and have to cancel the host should not lose the super host status for all the properties but just the single property in question.