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how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
Just been a weird few days in the US. Everyone is living in election purgatory. No matter what your affiliation or beliefs, I hope we can all keep our heads and remember that we have more in common than we do differences. Sending all of you good, positive thoughts.
And for my friends around the world, how humbling is it that an Irish podcast I listen to knows more about my political system than I have any clue about Ireland's, that my customer in Australia sent me a message with a hug this morning hoping we are all okay, that my husband's family in Mexico is praying for us?
Thank you all and hoping for the best no matter what the outcome.
Very well said @Clara116 ! One hundred 'likes'! - It's all been driving me crazy & I'm over here in the UK! May sanity prevail, & Hey, in the end God is sovereign!
@Clara116 "Thou shalt not kill"... Start there and then you can throw around words like "May God..."
@Diane15 your very sharp arrogant words speak much about your misguided, blind trust in people who care nothing about you or your life. No one wants abortion or killing.....but you might check your very unchristian like behavior when you so quickly tell someone they can't pray. You are sounding rather self righteous...just sayin...
@Helen350 "... God is sovereign"... With that lot? He is no where to be found. "Thou shalt not kill"
Believe me @Diane15 , I don't like the killing either. I HATE it. But in my comment I was merely supporting @Clara116 for her broadly positive statement, and like her, I did not want to open up a can of worms with provocative partisan political statements. I applaud what she said, despite having right-leaning politics myself. - (Thank goodness I don't have to make the decision who to vote for in America!) Clara's comment was spot on, i.m.o., but that does not mean I agree with every last tiny nuance. - God IS sovereign, and political leaders are fallen humans.
@Diane15 shame on you for your bitter, stupid, disrespectful words directed at @Helen350
@Katie @Lizzie this is a shame to be attacked, harassed on here by another host. If it continues I will pause on here cause there's plenty of struggles in our own life without another host creating more discord, and ugliness. Thanks, Clara
@Clara116I was thinking the same thing from her first comment, then read on and it just continued to get worse. This is NOT what the CC is about!
@Lizzie what is most sad about Airbnb is that it claims it wants an anti discrimination platform but you have hosts like Diane who body shamed one of the most effective leaders we’ve seen and dog whistles racists. Instead of hiding guest identification why not kick of the racists from the host platform who spread misinformation and mock other hosts? Free speech is one thing but good grief some of your most extreme hosts clearly stand up and make themselves obvious.
@Christine615 clearly we have a lot of work still to do in this country, but time and justice are not on Diane's side.
Well said 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Let's try to keep this on track. Looks like we have a new president in the US-- even if the old one refuses to acknowledge it. A lot depends on peaceful transfer of power.
No matter what you believe, again, we have more in common than we don't. We all want to be safe. We all want better opportunities for ourselves and our families. We all want to be treated fairly. We may not agree on the ways to get to these things but let's focus on the fact that there are some really basic things that we CAN agree on. And another thing we have in common? We open our homes to people from all over, who may or may not agree with everything we think or feel. Yet we can live with them, successfully, the vast majority of the time. Pretty amazing, right?
Positive thoughts to all. And I do mean ALL.
I have used the phrase here many times to always 'stay in parallel among each other'; the concept definitely applies to political beliefs. Humans think differently for many reasons, probably because of their own personal experience and/or circumstances.
When one side insists on conformity by the other because they and only they have a monopoly of the 'Truth' (and thus surely the moral high ground), is when civility and tolerance of among humans is no longer possible and unfortunately that is when we stop communicating and learning from each other.
@Fred13 You make excellent points. What I find fascinating on this forum, is all of the hosts are likely good people, but somehow take the moral high ground against each other whenever the discussion turns to politics. Why?
These parallels you mention are amplified by the various media bubbles, where people go to seek reinforcement of their pre-existing beliefs. Better to try to understand the others' point of view.
Good point about conformity. Especially, when conformity is called unity.
Social media hasn't helped. Perhaps it should be called "anti-social" media ?
Hello everyone,
I've been keeping an eye on this thread and had hoped we could pivot this thread into something productive but I don't think it's possible any longer.
@Diane15, please I'd like us to be respectful towards one another going forward. I highly recommend that you read our community guidelines.
As I feel that this conversation has gotten off track, I have decided to close this topic.