Shared Common Spaces with different guests

Level 1
Lake Mary, FL

Shared Common Spaces with different guests



Looking to see if anyone has any insight on managing the upkeep/ expectations for shared amenities between guests. 


Picture a beach compound with several buildings/units that have shared amenities like a pool, cabana, grills, picnic area.


My main questions/concerns are on how to manage cleaning and maintenance if there is no fulltime management on-site at all times.


Would you clean these common areas weekly?

How do you manage guest expectations and clearly define that other guests have right to common spaces?


3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Phillip296 A very different situation but we have a shared staircase and hallway to 2 of our apartments. We clean it just before each of the apartments is rented so a new guest will always see a clean hallway.

With respect to ensuring guests know spaces are shared it will depend on the precise layout. If you have a grill outside the door/window of a unit it will be hard for the guest in that unit's privacy not to be compromised by other guests using it.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Phillip296  Common areas need to be cleaned far more often than weekly. 

You should try to find a cleaner who can come once every day or two for an hour, or however long it takes to clean those areas.


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

All of those questions are ones only you can answer.


Presume you have already got cleaning and maintenance contractors in to discuss/provide you with quotes.


Up to you to clearly define your offer on your listing, in your visitor manual, in any signage etc @Phillip296