I am a tour guide in Chicago, hosting 2 different experience...
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I am a tour guide in Chicago, hosting 2 different experiences on Airbnb (a photography walking tour and Chinatown food tour!)...
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Recently a guest made his first post on the forum which he started off claiming that all hosts were dishonest because he didn't feel he had received the wifi speeds he needed to run his business from his STR (even though he hadn't actually checked with the hosts to see what the speeds actually were before he booked) . And that he thought it should be mandatory for all hosts to display wifi speeds as at every single one of the Airbnbs he had stayed at the speeds were lower than he expected.
As experienced hosts a number of us tried to explain to him that it wasn't an effective or practical solution for a number of reasons.
1. Firstly because speeds fluctuate particularly at the moment with Coronavirus where many more are working from/staying at home.
2. Secondly we as hosts have no control over our wifi speeds, so we shouldn't be held accountable for something outside of our control.
3. Thirdly speeds fluctuate around the world and between states within a country and even within a town or city or street.
I was one of the ones that suggested a simple solution to him, which was to book Airbnb at Work stays and take the simple step of asking the host about their wifi speeds and explaining his need to upload and download huge amounts of data during his stay.
I do appreciate that not all hosts are completely upfront about the quality of their wifi and in some countries/areas you are never going to get decent speeds. But my few is as a guest if an amenity is an absolute essential for your stay such as wifi speeds, that is simply common sense to check what the actually speed is before you book. Sadly the discussion turned into a bit of a slanging match and the discussion was locked.
I was rather surprised to find a personal message from Matthew in my inbox today..which said :-
.."what a nasty person you were in the thread....but ultimately you don't matter."
I thought as adults we had long moved on from the playground and name calling.Matthew if you think it appropriate to make these sort of remarks to a random stranger on the internet, then have the courage of your convictions and post them publicly, so everyone can see what a delightful individual you are.
@ Nick would you block this individual from sending me further private messages please.
Why did you copy me into this message, I did not see or comment on your video @Julian1134
I included you because you were part of the bullying mob. you also quoted me saying, "you are nasty, but ultimately you don't matter". here's the thing Helen.....if I had said anything stronger to you than that, then you would have posted that wouldn't you? so the most I said to you was that you were nasty. and you don't matter because in a few days I will forget that I even came in here.
I was called douchebag, hypocrite, self-indulgent, ridiculous, nonsensical, truly despicable. you know what a douchebag is?
the mob then found out what I do for a living and mocked me for my job, my hobbies and how many subscribers I have on my wifi channel. does that have anything to do with wifi?
@ann72 then said
I wouldn't like to have to display my wifi speeds, because they are very low! The fastest upload speed in my town is 7. Yes, you read that right.
and helen350 wrote to me directly and told me she doesn't know how fast her wifi is, how to test it, or how to take a screenshot.
I am a property landlord .....I have several rentals in London. I have super fast broadband. I show my tenants. I tell them I 'm not responsible for fluctuations or outages.....I just show them what I've paid for and I know how to test my wifi speed, screenshot the result and post it on my listing when I advertise. that's all I came in here to mention. and instead.....I was attacked by the mob. Ian and anne-marie called you out for it and you dodged by mentioning only the mix up over names ......you haven't got the good grace to acknowledge your behaviour was unwarranted and unpleasant. but that's ok.....because in a few days I won't remember any of this.
@Julian1134 Darling, please, a lifelong New Yorker would never misuse "schtick" in the manner you suggest!
Sitch: noun; informal US: A situation or state of affairs.
I apologize for hurting your feelings.
I wasn't to know that....and you're again making assumptions about my feelings. no need to apologise.....clearly a simple misunderstanding that didn't need sarcasm added to it. oh wait.....did you think I was being sarcastic for suggesting 'schtick'? no....that wasn't the case.....I simply want to make sure I understand everything.
@Julian1134 No sarcasm, I was just employing a tone of mock horror. And I was apologizing for the unkind YouTube remark.
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 @Helen350 @Sarah977 @Ann72
hey Ian and anne-marie....thanks for that. helen350 knows how to google my name....impressive.
*[Inappropriate content removed in line with - Community Center Guidelines]
Sorry for mixing up the names I had just come off the phone from a meeting which included a Matthew @Helen350 🙂
'off the hook'? for expecting a rational and reasoned response?
"Work listings" I work a tiny bit and when I need to work then I want to have wifi that works. I don't need much....and since most of my wifi time is spent streaming content on YouTube then it doesn't make any difference whether I want it for work or pleasure.
one of the people who was abusive to me (helen350) just posted the following in a private message:
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yeah that's right.....a host lists an amenity and doesn't know how to answer a simple questions about it. you think that's ok? you think it's ok that I relate my honest experiences in a forum and I get attacked for it by people like you who run with the mob? I got abuse from almost everyone, simply because I said some hosts were listing an amenity as being 'fine' when they had no way of knowing......and now I have evidence for it. i was called a 'douchebag'.....a device for flushing your anus/ VA - GINA (I had to write it like that because this sheet (sic) site doesn't want the word to be viewed by anyone. I was also called a 'hypocrite', laughable, nonsensical, ridiculous, self-centred and someone assumed things about my sexual orientation which were unwarranted and untrue.
and now you're here wading in with your 2 cents. you know nothing about me.
**[Sensitive information removed in line with - Community Center Guidelines]
"slanging every reasonable suggestion posted". I didn't get any reasonable suggestions from anyone....I got abuse and bullying. and you're doing it now.
I think you're over-reacting.
Your points 1, 2 and 3 were not anything which was questioned.
Perhaps making those sort of comments to people is normal in your business world Ian. But they are not in mine.
Helen has told the powers that be that she doesn't want any message from me. maybe you can forward this.
"but you didn't answer the question Helen. you were nasty to me and when Ian and anne-marie questioned you about it....you dodged and only referred to the mix up of names.
I was called a douchebag, hypocritical, ridiculous, laughable, arrogant, self-centred. what did you say to me and about me? post it so people can decide for themselves who is the nasty person here. I have no problem posting everything I said.....and if your assertions are correct then you shouldn't either......after all, 'truth' fears no inquiry.
the back-stabbing that you and others have done here is truly astonishing. I've been mocked for my profession, my hobbies, and even the number of subscribers I have on my YouTube channel. I guess if I had a tiny **bleep** then that would be fair game too, would it?