Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm ...
Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m excited to be part of this community.I’m the host o...
Dear @Catherine Powell
if you have hosts so negligent that they need constant reminders to communicate with their guests why are they on the platform? I do not need you to ding my phone constantly with idiotic suggestions like making sure I’m available. It’s my home. Of course I’m available.
That cell phone ding that goes off in the middle of meetings, family gatherings and god forbid we get a bathroom break is only for when guests are booking or need something.
I turned your reminders off in notifications and the app turned all notifications off. I no longer got pinged for booking notifications, guest questions.
I have a guest checking in. My account clearly shows ongoing conversations. I DO NOT NEED A BABYSITTER sending me preschool instructions on the day of checkin and days before. The interruptions aren’t welcome nor are the reminders to consider homes in my own saved vacation searches.
You don’t build business by annoying your clients.
I’m employed and so is my cohost. So stop the unnecessary interruptions. Please hire some grownups to work on your platform and focus on policing the hosts with complaints.
SUPERHOSTS don’t need hand holding!
There are days when I wonder if it would be easier to go back to long term tenants. Love my Airbnb guests (most at least), hate Airbnb’s platform dysfunction.
rant over!
@Ann72I'll try it again. New iPhone and it hates me and the Airbnb app apparently. I tried before to turn off reminders and it turned off everything even when those other things were still checked.
We need to make Mr. Chesky work as a host for a month. Might be eye-opening for him. I volunteer my place as tribute! 🙂
I'm trying to book a space for myself and my family in Atlanta. Post pandemic, seeing this from a guest perspective is eye opening (equally dysfunctional). Today's fun find!
1. A superhost with only 2 reviews for the property (both this month). And those reviews look faked. Airbnb won't let me click on the host profile to read their other reviews to see if they're legit.
2. A superhost with only a handful of reviews over the course of a year (despite looking prettier and being more reasonable than competing listings).
Trying to figure out how to weed out the fake listings (one clearly looks like a stock photo bio pic). Scarier? I know I'm going to start getting all kinds of dings to "not miss out!"
I was looking for a single night in Seattle before heading to a retreat. Decided to book the Marriott at Oak Harbor so I could explore some of the parks on Whidbey Island. After the date had passed, Airbnb was still reminding me to not miss out. Ugh. This app. I wonder if this is outsourced to a third party with underpaid freelancers? Elementary kids on pandemic furlough. AI bots running on a 64K Atari?
That is too much, @Christine615! TBH I've always thought it takes a lot of weeding to find and book a place, which is why I always thank my guests for doing same. Sounds like it's more challenging than ever, which is too bad, because I think the new search functions have promise.
Elementary school kids might be a good call!
@Christine615 I suspect elementary school kids could in fact do a better job of running the entire platform than the gang at the helm now.
Sorry Christine615 ! I am not going to agree with you and neither agree with the way you said that.
With all due respect, can not you simply ignore the messages?
It is an internet business and they send the reminders to any Airbnb hosts! It is a policy of the company.
Everytime you take a flight and are about to take off they will remind you about the safe measures in case of emergency. It has to do with the policy of the air companies and safety regulations. Can you imagine if everybody freaked out when the safety instructions are going on?
In practical terms, you can configure your notificatins, silence your phone or set your email box to ignore some messages based on their e-mail addresses.
My honest suggestion ! **
You can not change everything, but you can ignore many things when you want to.
**[Personal remarks hidden - Community Center Guidelines]
Dearest @J-Renato0
Feel free to disagree. But don't feel free to be condescending and patronizing. Maybe this is a cultural difference but I suspect I travel more than you do. So yes - I expect flight instructions when I'm sitting on the plane. And I do ask (but have the option to turn off) for notifications when something changes - flight schedule, boarding, etc.
That is not this case.
1. I have adjusted my notifications list and the net result is that it turned of ALL notifications even though the ones I want are showing with a green checkmark. So I either have to take all the stupid things they throw at me (like reminders to book a home after the date of my travel has passed) and put up with the constant dinging in the middle of moderating panels are talking to clients. Or I have to turn it all off.
NONE of this was true a few months ago. This seems to be post-pandemic desperation now that the stock is down by 1/3.
2. We have complained that Airbnb lets any "warm body not yet declared dead" to become a host. Hence they need to send constant unwelcome reminders for things any idiot should be able to understand without the babysitting. But then again, maybe not.
3. It has not been the policy of the company to bombard it's users with messages constantly throughout the day. I have clients and I have work not having anything to do with Airbnb and I keep my phone in a state where I can answer guest questions quickly. That means I only want the communications on my phone that I ask for. Not all or nothing because the app doesn't work correctly.
But honestly - YOU RELAX. **. Therefore, I address you in the same patronizing tone.
I could say a lot more but it would be rude. What I can say is that many of our issues are causing shifts in policy. So sit on your rear end and accept whatever they do, but don't ask the rest of us to follow suit.
But if you want to read my mind about what I think about your comments towards me, got get a drink first.
When I post here I'm mostly being facetious and maintain a good relationship with the rest of the hosts because everyone knows that. Maybe you should be on another platform where **. You'd be more comfortable there.
**[Inappropriate comment removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]
I am a polite person.
I am happy with Airbnb. That is why I am here and I will continue to be a host.
If you think that it is cool being rude... it is your problem, not mine.
Sorry, I will not answer you.
@J-Renato0 I've never seen you talk this way to anyone here. Never! Why have you chosen one of the most intelligent, experienced, literate, friendly, and successful hosts here to speak down to as if she were a child?
I think you need to think about your choices. You have several choices when you read something like @Christine615's post. One of those choices is to think of a constructive way to disagree. It isn't constructive to label someone as "rude" just because she's having a bit of aggravation and sharing it here. If it were objectively true that irritation with the service was rude, you should be very busy pointing this out to all the irate hosts who come here to complain about one thing or another.
We can disagree with one another. But let's not use labels when we do it.
From my point of view Ms Christine615 it was somewhat agressive and impolite when addressing Ms Catherine Powel.
I am also a superhost and I do not agree with the way she addressed and I do not agree even with what she said.
Catherine615 are not allowed to talk in my name. Please, read her first post in this thread and you see she thinks she is talking in the name of the superhosts.
Ms Catherine Powel has benn very friendly to anyone in this community including me. I also think there is no motive to write a post against notifications for the motives I have explained before in this thread when addressing firstly Christine615.
So, I think I have the right to disagree with Ms Crhistine615.
It was Ms Christine615 who labeled me as "rude and jerk" and other things.
Please read the entire thread to see what she said before taking your conclusions.
I am sorry @Ann72 that you got involved in this. I really appreciate your posts and your friendly manners.
@J-Renato0 I've never seen you talk this way to anyone here. Never!
You called @Christine615 "impolite" and "aggressive." Those are the labels you used. I can see them right there in your original post.
We can disagree with one another. But let's not use labels when we do it.
Okay, @J-Renato0, if you are comfortable with labeling then I hope you will be comfortable with being labeled in return.
Now let's be friends again. But keep this in mind 🙂
Yes lets be friends again.
But you took me wrongly. English is a very comprehensive language.
When I say relax I mean: Calm down. Do not trouble or seek problems where they do not exist.
@J-Renato0 English is so much more comprehensive than dictionary definitions suggest.
Perhaps you will believe another man.