Social media is evil.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

Social media is evil.

@Kath9 from Albany made a great comment today! She said...."Hang in there @Airbnb - this to shall pass!."...and it will.

My concern is that social media sites...and I guess we could put the CC in this category, search for dud content.



If I use America as an example, over here in Australia we only see the best and the worst of America, we don’t get to hear or see that vast middle ground where nothing newsworthy happens. For that reason outsiders tend to see the US as a nation of extremes.


For argument sake, a Utube video will show a street interviewer in Chicago, Memphis, Wichita, asking those that pass on the sidewalk, “Where is Australia?” and half of them don’t even want to volunteer an answer they just shrug their shoulders. Of the other half, 50% of them will say it’s in Europe or in the south Atlantic ocean, only 5% will have a stab at where on the globe Australia is.

We in Australia look at this and go….”You have to kidding, how does the bulk of that nation actually make it to adulthood!

The thing they don’t reveal is 80% of the people stopped knew exactly where Australia was, the video producer just didn’t think that 80% was worth showing in the video clip.

We don't get an accurate representation on social media, we see the extremes.


Airbnb has done sh*t loads of good, I have loved my association with Airbnb, and they have never done the wrong thing by me.....they send me guests and pay me....all 370 of them over the past 4 years, never missed once!


I am cross that the management try to fudge their way around issues, but @Kath9 has a good point, the company have been good for us, sure it hasn't been perfect, and there are many legitimate complaints in any business venture, Christ, I copped enough in mine! Running a business is hard, you can't be all things to all people.....and at times I think we need to remember that! 


Social media does not necessarily makes us better informed, it just polarises us!



76 Replies 76

@Sarah977 We strategically decide what language to speak and what country to claim as ours on certain trips. In France you are much better off as Russian as well as in Russia itself. In Israel or Georgia we are American all day long. Those with havier accents in a certain language are told to keep quiet.

@Sarah977 @Inna22 

When abroad, Henry and I often pretend we don't speak Korean when we find ourselves surrounded by a bunch of Korean tourists~ Lol~


As long has Henry lets me do most of the talking (in English) and no one is doing any passport checks..... my American accent comes in quite handy~