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Level 1
Buhl, ID

Something went wrong. Please try again.

I am brand new to Airbnb. Went to make my first reservation and thought everything was fine. The next day I noticed my reservation was cancelled. I asked the host if they cancelled and they said that it didn’t come from their end. I wrote support and they told me to try another property so I did and found out that it won’t let me try to reserve any property. I thought it was just a phone issue so I tried on my computer and it said that I am not able to reserve property. This is kind of disheartening because I’m running out of time for this family trip. Anyone had experience with this?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Trent75  I don't know how old you are, or where you are trying to book, but Airbnb has an algorithm that was designed to cut down on these bad party scenes in Airbnb houses. It encompasses the guest being under 25, lives locally near the listing, is booking for only one or two nights, not far in advance, and probably one or two other things I'm forgetting. It blocks guests who fall into this algorithm from booking entire place listings.


Of course this is very unfair to good, responsible guests who just happen to fall into those parameters, and there has been a lot of push-back from hosts who feel they should be the ones to decide whether a guest booking is a risk or not.


So maybe this is why you are finding you can't book, or it could be something totally different, like some glitch in the system.


Are you trying to Instant Book places? If so, this may be the reason. Most hosts who use IB have requirements in order for guests to be able to IB, one of which is good reviews and recommended by other hosts. Since you're new, and have no reviews yet, this could also be a factor. If that's the case, send an Inquiry message to the host (the "Contact Host" button just below the main listing description) rather than trying to IB. If you let them know the purpose of your trip, who'll you'll be travelling with, and just be generally friendly and open, they may pre-approve your Inquiry, which would allow you to book those places.

(It's also a good idea for new guests with no reviews yet to take a few minutes to write up an informative profile blurb saying a bit about yourself and your interests)


And if you can get ahold of Airbnb again, ask them why you are being blocked from booking and solve the mystery.