Strict NON REFUNDABLE cancellation policy

Strict NON REFUNDABLE cancellation policy

Honestly, I feel extremely frustrated with the way AIRBNB DON’T RESPECT my Strict NON REFUNDABLE no matter what cancellation policy.

First at all, Airbnb has to realise that hosts offer their homes to Airbnb in order to be rent, the Conditions we put our house for rental are OUR conditions, not the guests or AIRBNB, that’s why we CHOSE the STRICT NON REFUNDABLE NO MATTER WHAT cancellation policy.


i’m VERY surprised the way this issue is treated, and NOBODY at Airbnb in a month gave me an intelligent... logic ... realistic answer!!  

I need to escalate this issue. Because the case is closed without fundament or any kind of logic.


i will appreciate that Airbnb RESPECT the conditions that I want to rent my property.


Enough damage Airbnb have done a year ago giving all the refunds to guests a year ago.


This  dictatorship one side management needs to stop. 

19 Replies 19
Level 2
Simpsonville, SC

I agree 100%.  I WANT STRICT CANCELLATION POLICY OPTION REINSTATED!!!  AIRBNB keeps offering discount for non-refundable reservations so I raised by daily rate 10%.

@Chris-and-Jan4  Have you checked your cancellation policy settings? My understanding is that it is the host who chooses to offer this to guests, and then the guest can opt for the non-refundable or your strict. One of the check boxes says "Strict or Non-refundable". Make sure that isn't turned on (hosts find their settings mysteriously changed all on their own) , that only the Strict is activated.

I just had this happen! Airbnb refunded my guest despite the fact that he had booked it nonrefundable!

I just had a guest who chose the Non-refundable option. When he wanted to cancel I went through airbnb support to figure out how to give him back half and the cleaning fee anyway. They explicitly said his reservation was non-refundable and they would not be refunding the taxes etc if he cancelled, but I should have him cancel and then give him money through resolution. That's what he did and that's what I did. BUT Airbnb actually refunded him anyway (even though he chose the non-refundable option), so now I am out of pocket $500 instead of being up a couple hundred!!!! 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Sarah4769 


Try Airbnb on their social media that sometimes helps. Demand they pay you in accordance with their T&Cs.

By the way you seem to have forgotten to upload a profile photo. Do add one. As a new host having no profile photo can be your listing look a little dubious.