Super Host Review Period

Level 2
Cooper City, FL

Super Host Review Period

My husband and I just started hosting our Lake Placid, Florida lake house February of this year. Our 10th booking is from 3/29-4/3 and so far we’ve met all the criteria. If the 10th guests, leave a 5-star review, on 4/3, will the review panel still consider us for Super Host status? 

Thank you! Amy 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Amy2246  Unfortunately no


You can meet this criteria in one of two different ways, depending on whether you host longer or shorter stays:
10 completed stays between Apr 1, 2021 and Mar 31, 2022
- or -
100 nights over at least 3 completed stays
Level 2
Cooper City, FL

Darn, we were doing so well and was hoping the 10th would be considered since it was during the review period. 
