@Nigel225 If it's any consolation, tons of hosts are going to lose their Superhost status come April 1st.
But Superhost status doesn't run from Jan to Dec. The reinstatement of the lifted criteria for Superhost will take effect for the April 1st assessment. So it will be based on your stats from March 30, 2021 to April 1 2022. Maybe you can get 10 bookings by then?
Use Airbnb's feedback form to send them feedback about this, many hosts have. Some have been severely affected by travel restrictions, like you, some of us are home-share hosts who have been closed to bookings since the beginning of the pandemic. We may still not consider it safe to host shared spaces, as the pandemic is far from over. But Airbnb seems to think it is now okay to expose both hosts and guests to possible Covid infection.