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How does it work if I get 10 stays but only 9 guests leave a review and those 9 are all 5*. Everything else is on track for super host status. Would I have to wait another 3 months.
@Elaine-And-David0 There is no requirement that guests leave reviews and many guests don't. Your occupancy stats (10 bookings) are not related to your rating average. In other words, you have a solid 5* average, it isn't diminished because that's based on 9 reviews instead of 10. You could have only three reviews in total, but you'd still have a 5* rating if those guests all left 5*s.
They are 2 separate criteria.
You don’t have to wait another 3 months. 10 stays is 10 stays. You don’t need 10 reviews. You’re on track for becoming Superhost for this quarter, as long as you’ve met all of the other criteria as well (no cancellations and a 90-100% response rate).
No, provided you have had a minimum 10 stays in a 12 month period.
As a new host you need to accumulate 10 stays (not reviews) to gain Superhost status, and you need to get a minimum of 10 stays over a 12 month period to retain your superhost status.
Now it might take you less than 3 months to get those 10 stays in which case after your first 3 months you will be awarded that Superhost badge.
But the trigger point is that 10 stays.......if you have less than 10 stays you do not qualify no matter how good your other stats may be.
Assessments for superhost are done on a yearly basis at three monthly intervals. What this means is the next assessment will be for the year January 1st 2021 to December 31st 2021 so, if you have a minimum of 10 stays for that 12 month period or, hosted more than 100 nights and had no cancellations you will automatically be given Superhost status. The next assessment period after the current one will be for the year 1st April 2021 to the 30th March 2022, so as long as you still maintained a minimum of 10 stays for that particular 12 month period you will retain your superhost status.
I started hosting on the 8th October 2015. By the 23rd of December 2015 I had accumulated 10 stays so I gained Superhost status at that point but it was not until the 30th September 2016 that I received my first superhost bonus coupon . Although I did not host for a 6 month period in 2016 I managed to retain my Superhost ranking because I satisfied the minimum requirements when averaged on a yearly basis, for each quarterly assessment. I have currently been awarded Superhost for 19 consecutive assessment periods and come the 31st of Dec I will achieved 20 straight.
Thanks guys I am a bit confused as that seems to be two opposing opinions. So I guess it’s not as clear as it should be. I used to be a superhost but had three years off due to ill health and then Covid so wasn’t totally sure how it worked now and couldn’t find clarity in the polices.
maybe someone from Airbnb May join and clear it up.
@Elaine-And-David0 What opposing opinions? No one has posted an "opinion", we have all told you that your star rating for Superhost is based on your rating for the past 365 days, and that the star rating has nothing to do with whether all of your guests have left a review. Those are facts.
Just because some guests don't leave reviews doesn't mean they are "missing" reviews.
What do you find confusing about that? What is there to clear up?
Sorry if that upset anyone. Probably just me being stupid but I am not sure I still get it. However it’s not a problem it was only out if interest, it will be what it will be. Thanks
@Elaine-And-David0 No one's upset. There are a lot of Airbnb things that are confusing.
All you really need to understand is that your number of stays criteria has nothing to do with the rating and review criteria.
Let's say I have 10 stays and only five guests left a review. They all left 5* reviews, so my rating is 5*s.
5x 5*= 25, divided by the number of reviews (not stays), five =5* average.
Now let's say I have 10 stays and again, 5 guests left a review. But four left a 5* review and one left a 4* review.
4 reviews x 5*s=20 +1 review x 4*s=24
24 divided by the number of reviews, (not stays), five = 4.8* average
The number of stays has no bearing on the calculation of the star rating. It is based on the number of reviews.
Thanks for the patience, that makes it clear.