I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I'm exhausted. I've spent most of Christmas Day, Boxing Day and this Sunday morning (so I've missed Church again! Grrrr...) trying to help guests who have decided to leave their bookings to the last minute. I'm sooo over it.
Surely it's time that Airbnb said 'no booking responses' are required on Christmas Day, Boxing, Day, New Years Day and Good Friday. Or at least extended the response timeframe so we can have 4 full days a year off from responding to guests? Is that too much to ask? I'm seriously thinking of giving the whole thing away - I ruined Christmas lunch for 8 other people by being late because of **bleep** enquiries and deadlines and so sick of being at the beck and call of this platform 24/7, 365 days a year. And the international time differences make it almost impossible to not breach the response timeframes if I want to sleep occasionally.
Thanks for listening to the rant.
@Catherine-and-Bob0 I’ve known hostswho didn’t want to be discovered by the city code Dept so they were always snoozed M-F, 9-5. If you want a day off, you can give it to yourself anytime.
I wouldn’t, however, expect abb to help you with this.
This @Kelly149 sounds extraordinary and SO much hard work! Imagine that level of stress! 😱
@Cathie19 Its hard work to have an illegal listing in a highly regulated city. But profitable. People do what they do.
You are in control here, @Catherine-and-Bob0. Not Airbnb. If you do not want to work on holidays, then don't. Calendar rule sets, snoozing, and booking settings can help with that.
What about other religions' important holidays? Airbnb is a international platform with hosts of all and no religious beliefs. Why should Airbnb make some special accommodation for you going to church on Sunday? @Catherine-and-Bob0
Hi @Catherine-and-Bob0. I do hope you have recovered from your Christmas, which started a bit tense.
As @Sarah977 and @Emilia42 & @Kelly149 have iterated, you as the host have the power over your calendar, as do the rest of us.
It sounds like you could have snoozed the listing for a few days, making your listing “not visible” publically, or as I usually do, I decide when I do or don’t want guests if I’m otherwise caught up with family, then block a period of the calendar. By increasing your minimum days during this period and limiting the days open, you limit public viewings.
Guests putting in specific dates that include ones you’ve blocked, shouldn’t see the listing, so they can’t contact you.
Guests who want a short weekend stay can’t book if you were to increase your minimum stay say for example to seven days.
Guests can’t book and show up at the last minute with limited notification, if you set your booking to a two days notice requirement. This in a worse case scenario, has a technical meaning of one day. (too hard to explain).
I also have my calendar closed by default. Only opened manually, a couple of months ahead at a time - because that works best for me and my sanity. It also stops cancellations happening infinitum.
Your health and well being far outweighs your ABB response time. Airbnb’s computer bot would struggle to change response times across different global, seasonal events.
Please do take care of yourself and make the changes that suit your needs. Take a breather.....
You’re the boss of your space. Be brave enough to experiment.
Make the changes that suit YOUR personal needs, until you are ready to take on the world again, then alter as you desire. 💐
take care.. 😊🌸
We are in service industry and guests want to book when they want to book. This is a 24/7 world we live in. You are free to snooze, block and use all other available features that Airbnb actually did bother to set up for us.
Do not forget that a huge number of us do not celebrate Boxing Day (and many have never even heard of it). Majority of the world does not celebrate Christmas either.
Hello everyone
I am hoping someone will have a contact number for airbnb support. I phone from Australia. The one I had said it was no longer in operation (used it only last week). I found another somewhere on this platform but on phoning it it also says the number is not connected. It is +6185203333
I have just had a guest stay using a false name and want to know how that could happen, and let them know...... Thanks in advance