The AIRBNB Pass .... (Requested new AirBnB Product)

Level 1
Perrysburg, OH

The AIRBNB Pass .... (Requested new AirBnB Product)

AirBnb should copy the new to market Inspirato Pass luxury travel offering and issue the AirBnb Pass for $2,500/mo (12 month contract) which provides housing no matter where you are at certain tier levels.   Basically the $2,500/mo should either provider clear housing options......or a 2x credit or some other clear value for the person who commits to give AirBnB $2,500.00/mo for 12 months whether they are using the service or not. 


More info here:


AirBnB - strongly urge you to reverse engineer this product for the mainstream nomadic traveler - it will be an instant take off for those it is designed for. 

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