I wish airbnb owners when posting images of their site would...
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I wish airbnb owners when posting images of their site would not post many photo's of artwork, vases, flowers, magazines that...
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Hello all, I hope you are hanging in there, your in my prayers! I just needed to start a new thread in this gloomy "Covid 19 Discussions room" that will be called, "The Good in the Bad of it all". Lots of things suck about the effects Covid 19 has wreaked on our community and every walk in life surrounding it. This thread is not about that stuff, this is about the "Good stuff" that has happened to find its way to the top of the deck while the world is still fighting a viral wildfire.
It could be something like I listed in other threads like "I don't have to pay my taxes until July 15 instead of April 15" or "I now have time to ______________", fill in the blank with that job you wanted to do but couldn't get the time because things were so busy. Maybe something like "My ___________ has rallied and helping by_____________", Someone and something that made life better for someone or many people in need of assistance.
Its never good to dwell on just what ails us literally or figuratively so lets kick this up a notch, Thanks for what I'm sure will Be a interesting and uplifting thread, Stay well, JR
A barrel of crude oil is now cheaper than your latte! $2.56. As I’m still working ...A win!
Stay Safe everyone. Kia Kaha.
@Ria16 , Thats awesome, I just topped off my fuel oil and its down a 1.00 a gal from its high this year. The sad part about fuel being low is we have no place to go at the moment! Stay well, JR
Kimchi is one of my favorite things to eat -I can polish of an entire jar in an afternoon if no one is there to judge me. My daughter in law made some rhubarb kimchi that was unbelievably delicious. I'm trying to make some tiny turnip kimchi. (no Napa cabbage is available)
We are doing every put off project that's been on the list for 30 years-cleaned out the dreadful shed & went to the household hazardous waste facility on Tom's 76th birthday, not a trip to Death Valley but it was an outing!
I have planted out every seed packet I've ever squirreled away- not everything germinated but the radish seeds from 1998 came up a treat & I had a distance visit & shared them with 2 of our kids who were 3 & 13 when I bought the seeds. I'm going to let some go to seed for future planting, I'm so impressed (the packet was only 59 cents back then)
I personally like yeolmu kimchi (young summer radish) the best and Henry likes cucumber kimchi~
Good luck with the tiny turnip kimchi~~~
@Sally221 Sounds like you've got some great stuff going on, keep up the cleaning and planting. Strangely, a trip to just about anywhere non health services related right now is a treat, even the waste facility. Sadly Im not a very adventuresome eater and never personally been a fan of Kimchi, I can't really get by the odor. I once had a roommate that spent time in SK, he that loved the stuff and we had a deal, If he was going to eat it in the room, he would warn me and open the windows to ventilate before I got back! Stay well, JR
Lol~~ totally agree about the odor~ it can be quite stinky... even to those who like it :-)))
And my oldest, child of my first marriage to a German national, is finally and at last, working on getting his dual citizenship documentation together!
One good thing or lesson we can learn from this is that the world needs to have an integrated and cooperative system to prevent pandemics.
When forms of extremely lethal viruses arise, they should be taken to a world headquarter research center.
There they would be studied, and consequently a vaccine could be created . This should be maintained by a global consortium, which would involve all countries in the world, perhaps through the UN.
There should also be an international suveylance agency integrated with the research headquarter (maybe under the W.H.O) to detect the raise of potential threats. This kind of organisation should have a proactive and preemptive approach. Once it is dectect, they should start tackling the invisible killer before they spread throught the world.
Well maybe I am still dwelling on just what ails us... however with a positive thought.
As for the rest I have more time to stay with my wife and family. And more time to put somethings in order! Also more time to plan some things for the future.
@J-Renato0 , Im extremely surprised that no government or NGO was prepared in any way for this. Even our military response plan was to immediately protect ourselves and get out of the area, we were never expected to live in a contaminated area. Unfortunately, there are few safe zones from a highly infectious virus like Covid 19, Iceland maybe? But they won't take us!!!!!! It would seem like a good idea to have a centralized comish like maybe the UN to take the lead on these things but they have been silent thus far.
The gift of time during this crisis with loved ones is really an amazing one for so many people, I hope those of us that have been gifted that without heart string being damaged beyond repair see the blessings and take great advantage while we can, Stay well, JR
@Melodie-And-John0 Iceland has had 1779 COVID cases and 10 deaths. There's only about 15 countries in the world that have reported no cases, but that doesn't mean there aren't any there.
I recently read that Covid-19 can last up to 2 years in the freezer, so I would never go to a cold climate. At least in temperate climates it will only live a few days. anything I put in my refrigerator gets washed with soap and hot water first, so lettuce, parsley and anything I would normally eat raw are no longer on the menu. I have however made some great salads with cucumber, tomato, bell pepper and onions. all of which can come through the wash without a problem.
@Donna240 There is disinfectant especially for things like salad greens. It's generally either iodine or colloidal silver-based. Living in Mexico, a lot of us here are used to treating all fruits and vegetables that we're going to eat raw without peeling, in this way, all the time. Everything I've read says the virus doesn't survive on food itself, anyway.
There's a worldwide agreement which includes with China not to create weapons of chemical warfare/ destruction, including Bio chemicals, viruses, etc that may be spread from human to human or through animals, which is understood to have been breached.
I understand that agreement has been in existence, from memory, since around 1939.
I stumbled on it in The National library NZ Papers Past archives when reading up on Wuhan, WHO and related topics.
There's a wealth of info in there.
We don't generally hear in mainstream media or society about terrorist plots that have been planned or in processes of, including that of involving chemicals for international security reasons, unless the incident happens or is prevented.
The new head of UK Police has had stern words about China's behaviour. He has a strong background with stamping out terrorism in Ireland.
The FBI, USA have been investigating an ongoing criminal matter involving China since 2018 that's lurking in the background to all this, hence we are all been told to get medical treatment and tests...there's legal obligations some have had to front up to facing including that relating to our own governments negligence dating back to late 1990's.
We have Customs regulations that some have exploited to export & imported chemical items & accessories under the " Health" & "electrical" categories which is having a detrimental impact on the human race world wide.
It's those who work in such places who should have stepped up along with Public Health Advisors who are not doing their jobs who need to be held to account.
One of our long time Government Health Advisors has a history of activism who is on official record as saying he wrote the book of what we are living. There much rot that has been preventable he's had roles to play in.
Frankly I think some academics should have kept there mouths closed in the public arena and left it to military & other specialist authorities to address than the way we are having to confront things. We have the later thankfully to help protect us at borders and within our countries.
Ooh, I hope I can source some Yeolmu seeds! I use my radish tops in stir fry, love those sturdy greens! I used Tokyo turnips as they have been prospering like crazy in this cool Spring. Cucumber kimchi sounds yummy, I wonder how zucchini would work? And I wonder if my plants will flourish, last year tomatoes didn't ripen until late fall & the cucumbers I started may sulk & die a mildewy death, time will tell.