The property listed does not exist

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

The property listed does not exist

Hi I need help.


I booked an apartment in Georgia for 10 weeks. The reservation was accepted last week and AirBnb took payment.

When we arrived the property were told it  had been sold by the owner 5 years before. I contacted Airbnb to let them know and they said they would look into it. I have not heard anything for 5 days despite chasing Airbnb.


Has anyone else experienced this?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

You're incredibly patient, @Fraser39. Are you sure the agent fully understood your predicament, and did they offer to help find you alternative accommodation?

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

No but it was a week later so we had to sort something on the day. They have now refunded the money thanks. There seems to be a problem with old properties left on automatic approval.