Thinking to sell my apartment, located in Bavaria.

Level 2
BT, Germany

Thinking to sell my apartment, located in Bavaria.

Hello to all hosts out there,


especially to those who want to invest and earn more from here. I thought it is a good idea to share this here as from the time I buy my apartment is full-time rented.

So I am thinking to sell my small apartment due to relocation in other country. It is located in Bischofsgruen, Bayreuth, Germany. Minimum preis per day 40-60 euros ( during winter vacation is going up due to ski area, mountains, in the neighbour. At the moment I Rent Long Term which gives me a very good profit to cover the bills and Save for myself. I can give you more Information upon request.



2 Replies 2

@Jules158  What a coincidence that you posted this at the same time as this:


Did you actually think nobody would notice?

Level 2
BT, Germany

Normally it shouldn’t be a problem cause these are two different things. 
The fact that i am planning to move to another country makes me sell this Apartment. Problems and solutions exists everywhere....