Hello,I was wondering what other hosts in the west of Irelan...
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Hello,I was wondering what other hosts in the west of Ireland/west Mayo pay for cleaning. My cleaner has recently increased h...
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Hosts with strict policies now get 12.5% of the rental (25% of 50%). This is about the same amount as the Airbnb fee which they kept (while refunding ALL of the host's money) and issued guests a 'voucher'. So essentially we're getting the voucher money, which costs Airbnb nothing. So generous of you to give us the money you didn't refund to the guests. Great, that'll pay about 15% of my mortgage.
And you couldn't scrounge up more than $10m out of your $3 Billion dollar cash hoard? I wonder how many superhosts will even qualify given the restrictions. And I'm guessing 'up to $5,000' means a couple people will get $5000 and the rest of us will get 500.
The rest of the 'benefits' are meaningless.
The EC policy is devastating to hosts. By extending it to May 31st you're showing once again how little you care or value hosts. Not surprising but it shows your true character.
I am pretty sure that's not true it says in their conditions for the EC for the virus they are refunding in cash.
Right. Because Airbnb are so trustworthy and never lie? Do you seriously think for one minute that I'm making this stuff up? In all the years I've been posting on here, how many times have you seen me post anything that hasn't proved to be completely true, no matter how many times others have tried to say at the time that it wasn't? I never post anything that I don't have a ton of evidence to support.
Talk to your Guests. Ask them if they've received any of the emails from Airbnb telling them the are entitled a 100% refund in the form of a credit or otherwise some much lesser form of monetary refund and to obtain it they MUST cancel at least 7 days prior to reservation date. Hosts have been posting and sharing these messages that Guests have shared with the Hosts for the last couple of days. It is happening. I don't know if every Guest is getting them and the messages are slightly different but similar offer. They are being sent out to Guests. FACTS.
True their COVID-19 policy still is in place and has not changed (expect for extension through May 31), and it still states Guests are entitled to 100% monetary refund and may cancel any time up until the reservation date, HOWEVER Airbnb is currently misleading Guest by sending Guests emails (as we speak) telling them they will be getting 100% refund only in the form of a voucher/credit if they cancel more than 7 days prior to the reservation date. Airbnb is trying to trick the Guest into accepting this so that Airbnb can now screw over both Guests and Hosts.
The way I see it, the only thing Airbnb is doing right is extending the EC policy to May 31. And reality is..... it's highly likely that there will be further extensions as travel restrictions stay in place while covid-19 continues to spread. No one is safe and no one should be travelling.
Nobody is saying that people should be travelling.
The hosts are just saying that they can not afford the losses.
One thing has not to do with another thing.
Guest can be safe through staying at home.
Not paying have nothing to do with "being safe".
No one can *afford* the losses - not hosts, not guests, not the airlines or hotels or travel agencies, not any of the restaurants or shops or businesses that have been ordered to close due to the "stay-at-home orders" all around the world.
So according to you, guests should stay home and be safe (especially with all the travel restrictions and "stay-at-home orders" it's not like they even have a choice) but they still have to pay hosts???? - I completely do not agree with this line of thinking.
VRBO is not inflicting 87,5% losses on hosts. It is what the hosts that uses VRBO says.
Well then in hindsight, maybe you should have hosted thru VRBO instead of Airbnb????
This is like when kids complain to their parents, "Why can't I watch TV before finishing my homework? Jane's mom lets HER watch TV before homework~" or "John's parents gave him a new car for his 18th birthday. Why won't you buy me a car - it's not like you can't afford to buy me a car."
I think you are being agressive and making use of personal attack.
My answer to you is - You suffer from "Stockolm Syndrome".
Moreover it looks like you're delusional. Airbnb is not my "father or mother".
It is a company to which I and other hosts have a deal with to intermediate short rental term.
If you thinK Airbnb is your father and that you have to obey anyway, I think you should go for a psycoanalisis. It is what the associations that you have done reveals.
Please, if you can not focuss on the subject in question instead of being cynical and using personal attack, spare me.
Hilarious that my comparison (where my focus was on useless complaining based on useless comparisons with a 3rd party won't help you make a case to persuade anyone) made you jump to the conclusion that I think Airbnb is anything like a parent to me.
Apparently you're the one that can't seem to focus on (or even find ) the subject or point being made. Go ahead and play the victim~
Go ahead and play the "Flatterer". Shame on you. What a pitty.
Be sure that, anyone that has a serious business values more a frank and honest opinion instead of opnions of flatteres!
"Don´t be afraind of sincery people who criticize you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you."
By Dale Carnagie
You've completely lost me. I have no clue why or what I ever said/posted that you suddenly feel compelled to call me a "flatterer". I don't see a single comment I made that flatters anyone~~~ LOL!
YOU are the one that began to attack me and my initial comment, which was not directed at anyone in particular.
YOU are the one that has been continuously throwing insults at me......
calling me aggressive (seemingly because you don't like what I said)
saying I have "Stockolm Syndrome" (because I don't agree with you)
and called me delusional (because of YOUR lack of understanding the real point I was making)
and saying I need psychoanalysis and I'm a flatterer. (have no idea where these 2 insults are coming from)
I have no intention of wasting my time with you any more. Do whatever. Think whatever.
I don't care~~~~
BUT...... Stop picking fights and STOP with the name-calling and insults. Shame on YOU.
If all you are capable of doing is attacking my personal opinions with illogical rants simply because you don't agree with them, then stop tagging me. I've been more than patient and polite with you than you deserve.
This is it and I'm going to pretend you don't exist now...... because clearly...... you and your crazy rants aren't worth my time.
And I don't pity you...... with your rude attitude, you don't deserve any pity.
LOL... When your "Achilles heel" was hit, you lost control 🙂 Too big a text! LOL
Thank you for being honest and showing me your true colors! 🙂
Keep cool... life is good! 🙂 Hey... be happy! 🙂
Hiya @J-Renato0 and @Jessica-and-Henry0 ,
Both of you are veteran hosts with great experience, professionalism and your own styles of approaching things. Please respectful of this and each other moving forward. You're both long time members of this CC so I know full-well how wonderful and passionate you are. Looking forward to your continued contribution in the near future.