Tune in for a message to our hosts from CEO Brian Chesky at 3 p.m. PT March 30.

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Tune in for a message to our hosts from CEO Brian Chesky at 3 p.m. PT March 30.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has posed unprecedented challenges for the world, including our community of hosts and guests. This is a once-in-a-generation crisis, and we know hosts like you are feeling the biggest impact—so many of you rely on income from your Airbnb properties, and you’re facing a lot of uncertainty right now. 


Over the past three weeks, we’ve hosted more than 50 online listening sessions with hosts from around the world to connect and hear your feedback. As a follow-up, CEO Brian Chesky will be talking to you from his home in San Francisco. He’ll be answering some of the questions you’ve asked about our extenuating circumstances policy, how to host during COVID-19, and more.


Bookmark this page to watch his talk live at 3:00 p.m PT Monday, March 30. Can’t make it at that time? We’ll share a recording with you after the event. 


For more answers to your questions about hosting during this challenging time, please visit Airbnb.com/COVID—we’ll keep updating it with trends, tips, and information on everything we're doing to support our community.

Thank you once again for being a host. We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.

171 Replies 171

@Danielle476 Lets have a shot game. For every keyword or phrase we nailed, shot!

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom

I keep on getting emails telling me how things are being updated and to check out the latest update. I keep checking, nothing changes.


Like @Susan17 the only thing I'm interested in knowing is how Hosts are going to be helped with the post-April 14th EC/refund policies. I don't want to hear that I will be continuing to foot the full 100% cancellation fee, or about some loan scheme or other.



We need adding: 

-Reaching Out

-We're in this together

-Our community

-We're enabling you to give your accommodation away for free.


I'll be patiently waiting until 3.00pm.

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Presently, I am of the thought Airbnb will have to move that April 14th date (maybe till April 30th for many  reasons), but how they go about it this time during that new extension will be the tricky part. The original 'Please cancel at full refund, no questions asked' of March 19th open-ended 'invitation' perhaps can be improved upon.


An alternative approach may be to allow guest reservations during a new extension (yes, I do think there will be one) to roll over their bookings to a future date AND pay the hosts at least 50% of what they would have had coming now, the 2nd 50% when the reservation occurs. After all, Airbnb & the hosts will still have the bookings. The hope is that they do not entirely cut off all income to so many hosts all of a sudden, a second time.  


They just made some cost-cutting moves not discussed in this forum thus far such as concerning early payments to some hosts and the elimination of the Strict 30/60 programs for the future, so perhaps the above may not be financially feasible on their part, but offered as just a thought.


P.S. Danille, that was funny; I bet he uses them all the ones you listed tomorrow.

@Fred13  I also thought at first about offering guests a discount or refund on a future stay.

This quickly became problematic though because they wanted to change a low season stay in March, for a high season one in August or September! 

The discussions quickly got complicated.  Do you really want to lock in a price for next year, same as this year, with a refund on top of it?

Also, do you really want to be giving refunds next year, when you can be earning high season rent, for the catastrophe this year?

I'm taking my losses this year and maybe call it quits on Airbnb, or at least manage my parameters differently - to only open up ABB bookings for last minute,  flexible reservations and get my high season calendar filled with better terms on other platforms.

I suspect my case is a bit different than yours. I do not intent to give them a refund, nor ever discount. I also do not have a low or high season. I also have the same price set for next year as this year.

I am of the mentality that because of the chancy future, which we have no clue what it is, I rather keep an existing reservation than count on a new one and not worry about whether it may be worth more in the future. 

By coincidense I had blocked 1/3 of the year the next two years, to take a break from it all so this forced me to open those reserved days and use some of them for those wanting to move to a future date.

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Airbnb @Fred13 @Robin4 @Juan63 @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 
@Susan17  we are all been told what to do and how to do it at the direction of World Health Organisation, every single public release by Governments world wide has almost been exactly word for word.


Sweden stood there ground and are using keep on carrying on as normal, no lockdown, they have an excellent Health system to the best of my knowledge.


Why have our leaders all followed one another like this and taken a pack approach without factoring all consequences?

One must question their mentality.


Sheep stand still when it rains, they don't move, they are smart, our politicians aren't smart like sheep.


@Susan17, there's a bloke from Ireland on the WHO committee, look him up and send him a series of questions what he is going to do as a Director for the people of Ireland and their economy.


Wait for it, WHO have a World Health Day celebrating and acknowledging Nurses and Midwives on April 7 or 8th 2020.


My heart goes out to those in the industry at the coalface as there lives have been placed at serious risk because of systemic failures from the froth at the top.


@Helen427 "Why have our leaders all followed one another like this and taken a pack approach without factoring all consequences?"   Possibly because they don't want to end up like Italy?


"Sweden stood there ground and are using keep on carrying on as normal, no lockdown, they have an excellent Health system to the best of my knowledge."  Let's keep an eye on Sweden and see where they're at in a few weeks.



@Wendy1071 Indeed, until at least 60% 'herd immunity' is established, and/or a COVID-19 vaccine released, there will be recurring outbreaks that will be potentially severe, resulting in more waves of infections and deaths. The best we can do at this point is social distancing to flatten the curve.


BTW, my partner is a scientist that specializes in making anti-virals, e.g., he is on the patent for 'Tamiflu' and was an early member of Gilead. This coronavirus is atypical and not like other viruses he has seen. Those that diminish the importance of social distancing are ill-informed. 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I don't know that you picked a good example for 'pin-up' procedure during this current pandemic.

Australia has 2.5 times the population of Sweden but, is fattening the curve due to social distancing and strict government containment measures. Have a look at the current Worldometers standings as of 03/30/2020

Current covid 31.03.png


Sweden's rate of cases is now far outstripping Australia's despite the fact it has almost one third of the population, and the way they are headed they will soon become a European hotspot!


Helen, it's no good thinking this will disappear if you tell it to......you have to take measures that will make it happen.

Here in my state of South Australia 5 days ago we had 38 new cases, 4 days ago 26, 3 days ago 12, the day before yesterday 5 new cases, (revised figure). Hopefully yesterdays figures when they are released will be lower again. 

Tough times call for tough measures, and Wendy, I think Sweden will come to regret the stance they have taken on social distancing.




@Rebecca181  @Susan1188  @Wendy1071 



Your infographic is a good example why a blanket policy is so wrong. On the ground, at accommodations the situations change due to regional differences. One size doesn't fit all. The idea that a blanket statement can be made which is relevant to every host is ridiculous. This is why sticking to the rules laid down is the only way to approach this problem and those rule makers, Airbnb are not.

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Susan1188 @Airbnb @Michael3494 @Almudena36 @Hildy0@Rebecca181 @Wendy1071 @Robin4 


There 's many many variables that have simply not been taken into account with the whole situation by WHO and those who are conducting various tests.


In NZ there's been a lack of transparency with pre-existing conditions and deaths.


Italy as an example allowed the continuation of Vaping Stores been open and Tobacco stores to be closed during there Lockdown and strict restrictions.


No one is factoring into account what impact Vaping has had on people's health in general terms, or what chemicals are in such toxic products.


We all now know what cigarette smoking and second hand smoke can do to people's health.

Can you imagine the damage it does to vulnerable people going innocently about their lives?


Has there been any research undertaken into vaping in heavily populated regions?

Has there been spikes in the use of Vapes in the last 12 months?

Both with Locals and Tourists?


What standards are used to ensure they are in fact 'safe' to use?


Are there any tests been undertaken in the areas with Corona virus/ Covid19 has been detected with regards to air quality?


Have any of those who have traveled on aeroplanes been exposed to Vapes on the aeroplanes or airport surroundings?


It's also winter in Europe.


@Robin4  we down here in the South Pacific we have been very blessed to have fabulous weather and over 22degrees, in fact it was over 32 degrees again around 6pm tonight in a sheltered spot.


Sun is a natural preventative virus mechanism.


There's many variables that are unknown that should be explored for the betterment of current and future generations

@Helen427Hi Helen.  I'm not sure why I'm tagged in your message nor do I have the time, energy or inclination to go through these messages to find out.  Of what you've written is common sense, not sure how it plays in here.


About the Sweden approach:  get back to us in 10 days and let us know how that is working for them. Agreed with @Wendy1071 

Screenshot 2020-03-30 at 20.23.52.png

happy Easter @Susan1188

@Airbnb @Susan1188 

Timelines of the transition of society and the regulations surrounding Tobacco from a leaf found in gardens to additives and WHO promotion of Smoke free has resulted in a world wide unsavoury exploitation by HON / HAN LIK and the rise and explosion of unregulated manufacture & sale of e-cigarettes /  e-hookah that started in China in 2003 . His now has a billionaire empire and Europe has according to the Wikipedia page on him a targeted market... Read the citations in that page... Think about the way COVID19 has come about and become a serious issue for all of us. Read contributors in here ongoing issues they have been confronted with in their own homes..


There's a huge elephant in the room we must address with China here and public health...


Take Care 



Waste of our time just spent 35 mins trying to tune in for ceo talk...no indication of how to tune in .