Do not host with turnkey. I'm adding to the multitude of voices here. They need to be put out of business.
tl:dr; costs more than 18%. You will lose money. You will end up managing your property still, they will make excuses, you will live a nightmare.
I lost money on them, I lost time on them, I lost respect from my guests because of them.
The contract is 12 months long so they don't care how much they mismanage your stuff. You're stuck. Luckily, I have mounds of evidence of breach and I'm an attorney so I will not be continuing with them. However, you may not have this so just avoid getting into the position where it matters.
I had all 5 stars on the various hosting sites when I signed up with turnkey. Nothing but happy guests. But I was spending a lot of time managing it and wanted help. Enter Turnkey. The sign up process took 3 months, granted, this was during covid, but they had chances to make it happen faster and didn't. Initial setup is great, because they need to get you signed on. After that...
Their cleaner, I am convinced, broke my door. They charged me to fix it. This was before any guests stayed and the only people in my unit were the cleaners and their setup personnel. I hadn't even been there.
I have a ring doorbell. I ended up getting notifications from approximately 8 of my first guests ringing the bell for around an hour each. I don't have internet at work, so as soon as I saw this, I'd key up the mic and they'd tell me they were locked out and TK wasn't answering. TK's excuse was "high call volume"... K?
So? I'm paying for 24/7 call service. If you can't do that, don't charge me. Tk and I came up with a plan to fix it, but they didn't implement the plan. Next guests got locked out. And so on.
I watched as one locked out guest kicked and punched my walls and doors. So clearly turnkey doesn't screen guests like they claim. They said they'd do a thorough check for damage, but never told me the results of said check. I had multiple guests complain about the cleaning. One sent me photos of drug paraphernalia left behind by either the cleaners getting high at my house or the prior guests and the cleaners didn't clean it. I had complaints of a smelly house because the trash wasn't taken out (DURING COVID???) I had guest requests that came to me when TK wouldn't answer the phone.
Why did I know this? Because when guests sat on hold time and again with turnkey for hours, guests were making efforts to reach out to me. My number is on a guest book that has been there for years. Turnkey blamed me for making my number available. I'm glad it was! They could have hidden their mismanagement for longer if it hadn't been. Some of my guests were booked before I signed up with Turnkey so they were able to contact me via my own airbnb, and boy did they have words. They gave me five stars and I had two guests tell me they will book with me again "If you no longer work with turnkey" so now I'm losing guests...
So with all the fees and other BS, it adds up to a LOT more than 18% first of all. Second of all, I lost time, sleep, and had a lot of stress dealing with issues they still haven't to this day taken care of. Just excuses and patronizing, condescending messages.
I lost money on them. I've ALWAYS been able to cover my mortgage at least, I PAID them for this nightmare... I didn't just not make my normal pay (which I expect to be lower as a result of covid) BUT I'M IN THE RED!!!! My house was booked nearly every day in June and I LOST MONEY! If I kept on with them, I'd go broke!
Whatever you do, don't sign up with turnkey.