Hi the agent on the phone told me its not to be removed beca...
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Hi the agent on the phone told me its not to be removed because although he agrees most of the review is non relevant there a...
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My current guest is in my area to visit her daughter who has undergone some kind of medical procedure and lives no too far from where I am. My place is for one guest, and that is all over my listing so that no one can miss it. The procedure the daughter had did not require a hospital stay, but the mother, my guest, asked if it was okay for the daughter to spend the night so she could keep an eye on her because she was likely to feel "groggy" afterwards. I said it was fine for her to spend the night, and assumed that by morning by nine or ten she would be able to go home.
It is now 1:30 and there is no sign that the daughter is going home. She also did not appear to be at all "groggy" when they returned to the apartment last evening. I had thought that the daughter would go directly to bed, but by the sound of the conversation they were having a nice time. I went to bed before they did. I feel taken advantage of, but don't want to be inhospitable and ask, when is the daughter going home?
It seems like with every guest there is a different issue, so impossible to address everything. It is getting frustrating!
@Marisa182 I don't understand why the mother would have asked you to accommodate the daughter overnight if the daughter lives close by. The mother could have watched the daughter in her own apartment. Tell the mother and daughter nicely that you hope she is feeling better and ask when she is going home. If she is not going home, then tell the mother that they need to find a hotel room as her stay is being cancelled.
@Lorna170 My first thought was why the mother booked my apartment in the first place, since her daughter lives about six miles from here. But, I try not to ask personal questions. Maybe the daughter lives with roommates and there was no room for mom. I finally did contact the mom and, just as you suggested, I asked nicely if daughter was feeling better, and she was. And they had just settled in to watch a movie on Netflix. They left at 3:30. I realize I should have set the time for daughter to go. I have learned yet another lesson. Thank you for your suggestions. The mom left a very nice review, but said my listing is not accurate because my place was not "sunny" as stated.
@Marisa182 You should never assume anything when a guest asks you to bend your rules. It would have been better if you had said yes, she can spend the night, but I would want her to leave by 11 am.
Just because they were having a nice conversation doesn't mean the daughter wasn't feeling groggy or in a bit of pain, though. That's another assumption.
I would do as Lorna suggested, just let the guest know that overnight doesn't mean most of the following day and that if they want to stay together, they should find a place that accommodates 2.
@Sarah977 You are absolutely right Sarah. I'm still new at this and will have to work hard on anticipating what guests might do, and stop making assumptions. I completely agree that I should have set the time for daughter to leave. Thanks very much for your helpful suggestions.
@Marisa182 Oh yeah, I had a couple situations when I first started hosting that I really had no idea how to handle. I wasn't even aware of hosting forums then, so I just had to wing it.