Olá Laura, boa tarde! O Carnaval é a segunda melhor época. C...
Olá Laura, boa tarde! O Carnaval é a segunda melhor época. Como moro em uma Cidade Turística e praiana, a melhor época é a se...
Hi, all.
We have been Air BnB hosts for 4 years (of course, part of that doesn't count because of the pandemic lockdown) in Massachusetts. We were just contacted by someone who wants to book with us but who has not verified identity, citing concerns about identity theft, and saying, "I just stayed with XX in YY (town) so you could talk with them...") There are no reviews for this person and my instincts are to not accept the booking. Any experience or advice? Thanks much!
Deb in Lexington, MA
Listen to your instincts!
Yes. This.
@Deb-And-Ben0 I would just say "I understand your concerns about identity theft. I hope that you understand ours about requiring guests be registered and vetted through the ABB verification program before we allow them to stay in our home. Unfortunately I don't think we will be a good fit for you. Best of luck finding a great place to stay!"
Thanks, Laura. That, essentially, is what I did say. And the potential guest has not come back with a verified identity. If someone else wants to host, I guess that is their business. But I have to continue to listen to the little voice in my head when something like this happens.
I've had this happen, and I decided not pre-approve. We are entrusting a guest onto our home, so if the guest isn't able to trust the host giving ID, then alarm bells go off. I found our years later, this guest still asks hosts for the same stay, and other hosts have also said no. This guest tried to rent a home, and that landlord told me he suspected the guest of hosting prostitution, drugs, and sex trafficking.
we don't pre approve anyone without a verified identity either. We have instant book on, only for people with verified ID. It hasn't made the slightest difference to bookings, the days still get filled by verified gusts.