I just got a denial for a professional cleaning invoice submitted on the host guarantee and feel this is important to document and protest. Here is how the agent worded the denial:
I have replied to Sixto telling him that after personally hosting over 15,000 Airbnb reservations (not to mention about twice that many on other platforms) I certainly understand the concept he describes of charging a flat fee that covers the normal range of dirty vs. clean guests.... but I only took the time to submit this invoice because it truly was outside the normal spectrum.
This is one of MANY posts warning that the host guarantee is not protecting us but in the past an invoice from a verifiable third party cleaning company was considered valid. Sixto's message indicates that we are now to absorb whatever cleaning costs the guests leave us with. I try to charge very reasonable cleaning fees because most guests do leave things within a certain range. I think it is ridiculous advice that should charge every harmless old couple a premium to cover the potential nasty thrown down that could come my way any minute.
On other platforms, if there is a problem we can charge the security deposit with one click. No drama. Worst case scenario we get a bad review for charging the guest as no guest enjoys paying. But at least that choice is up to us, was it bad enough to charge them and make them mad. Sometimes the answer is yes. But on Airbnb we get to fall into a world of drama asking the guest first, getting treated viciously and DENIED most of the time by the guest... and then, after being asked to submit repeatedly the photos etc DENIED again by customer service.
Even if you get paid something it will not be all of what you spent. I got a broken freezer shelf paid for at a depreciated value! That would never be the case in a real security deposit situation.
**[Conversation with CS removed in line with Community Center Guidelines]