Hello everyone!
Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Eli...
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Hello everyone!
Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Elisa , one of the Community Managers for our English Community Cent...
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Hello everyone,
Hosting means welcoming all kinds of people with different ideas, cultures, and professions. Some of those professions can be really obscure and intriguing, giving you a lot to talk about!
From an operator on an oil platform, to a lion keeper in a nature reserve, to a restorer of aircraft!
Share the most interesting jobs your guests have had!
@Stephanie We have had a guy doing molecular research in Ukraine, a famous chef in a Michelin star restaurant from Netherlands.. I am sure we have had many other guests with more interesting jobs but I never feel comfortable to ask 🙂 I let them tell me themselves if they want to because someone might have lost their job or is finding a new career and they came here to clear their minds so I don't want to remind them of their work places. I am pretty good though in getting people to tell me things without asking directly, people feel like they are listened to and are more comfortable knowing that they control the amount of information they share.
@Stephanie I've had all sorts - nurses, teachers, doctors, lawyers, students etc but next week I am hosting a clinical psychiatrist who is in town for two conferences. Perhaps this is one time when I will keep a little quieter and chat less as I don't fancy being analysed!
@Stephanie I do not ask. But when people have offered information it has been a fascinating window into another world: an engineer/bush pilot on a sheep station in Australia, a couple born and raised in East Berlin before the wall came down, an international hair stylist in the fashion industry.
@Stephanie How would we ever know.... abb doesn’t even necessarily give us a guest name or think it is acceptable for us to know/ask who is coming... and when’s the last time a guest had filled out the “about me” section of their profile?!?
”but we’ve VERIFIED them, it’s all good! Don’t worry that their photo is of a sunset, their name is PJ A, or their location says they live on another continent. Carry on. Nothing to see here.”
oh, and they’re bringing 5 other adults without even so much as a name/age/sex entered in the info. Sure, great, what could go wrong
Soap opera director
Did you land a part as an extra? 😉 That was all I ever achieved in my short lived acting career, many years ago.
which soap opera? that's cool!
I have hosted a vast range of guests with a vast range of jobs.
I could mention lots of them. But now, I will mention just 2 guests, that were the most strange guests I have had. I will refer to them as "Dr Jeckyll and Mr Guest!" Of course It was not their true name, but one of them was a surgeon.
Drag queen performers 🙂
@Stephanie they were invited by our local queer art association to perform in a show. They looked like nice straight men when they arrived, they didn't wear the costumes on check-in of course, but I found some glitters after they left :)))
ooh I hope it was biodegradable! Amazing, local celebs!
I once hosted a 'world famous magician from Las Vegas' who I had to go ogle. and another who was a gadget designer for James Bond movies. There are some interesting people out there if you chat with them.