
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

What if your host is an anti-covid conspiracy theorist?

What if your host is an anti-covid conspiracy theorist?

Hello everyone,


So obviously, I am not going to post this question under my real account as I am still living at my Airbnb place but my questions is simple.. What would you do if your host was an anti-covid conspiracy nut? I rented this place because the host got nice reviews in the past and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. After my arrival, it appears to me that the host doesn't even believe that the virus exist and was flaunting covid rules by inviting multiple people at home and having large gatherings. I also felt a bit discriminated as the host made some political statements disparaging minority communities and as a person of color, I wasn't okay with it but didn't say anything.

Should I warn others about it by leaving a 1 star review? I've heard it's of no use because Airbnb always takes the side of the host and they will have it removed anyway. On top of that, this host has nothing but good reviews. Although on the bright side, I have only given (and received) good reviews myself too. Since, it is my first bad Airbnb experience (after many times of renting), what should I do? Say something? Or let it go? 


Sorry for the strange question but I am in a strange situation.

36 Replies 36
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Yikes, @Ash3654 , why are you still there? If your host is endangering you by having large gatherings, you have grounds to get yourself rehoused. You are in a bedroom in the house? Not a stand alone place? Phone Airbnb and get out of there! 

Hosts and guests are required to follow the pandemic protocols of masking, distancing, etc., that you read about in the email you received when you booked. If those are not being followed, that's what to tell customer service. 

The discrimination is disconcerting, too, but harder to prove. You can mention it if you want, but the breaking of the pandemic protocols will be your most direct route to getting a safer place to stay. Brief, clear messages are the best way to get results.

Best of luck!



I didn't know that getting rehoused is an option. I only have a few days left on my stay but I was wondering the best way to deal with this. Thanks for the tips. 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

You could go back to your OWN home @Ash3654 ; your permanent residence? - If it's impossible to find a new place at Christmas? 

You first said that I have "bad manners" for pointing out a genuine concern and now you're saying that I should go back home if I can't find a place. You're really embarrassing yourself here and I hope you understand that. I am a foreigner and it's not that easy to go back to "home". I'm sorry for the poor soul who will reserve your place. I hope you're not a superhost. Have some compassion and understanding in your life please. You would need it. 



Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ash3654  It's a really bad time to try to find another place, with Xmas and all, but if I were you, I'd call Airbnb and tell them how this host is endangering you with their COVID idiocy. As well as their remarks about minorities. You never know, something else might be available because some guests have had to cancel due to COVID travel restrictions.


Yes, definitely leave a review. Other guests need to be warned. No, Airbnb doesn't favor hosts, it's the opposite, they normally take the guest's side. Airbnb doesn't remove unfavorable reviews- the review has to violate their review policies. Keep it factual. For instance, you can say that the host made derogatory comments about minorities, and that it made you uncomfortable, but don't say that the host is prejudiced. The first is fact, the second is an interpretation and accusation. Same with the virus- don't say the host thinks COVID is a hoax, because you can't say what someone else thinks. Say that the host was having large gatherings, that no one wore masks, and that you felt that you were being put at risk for COVID.


And it isn't really a low rating that's as important as being honest in the written review. No future guests will know that you gave a low rating, or why you gave it, they'll just see a lower rating overall. Other guests need to be able to read exactly what the issues were.





Thanks for your help and for your tips! 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Ash3654 I'd take the 'let it go' approach.... After all you yourself CHOSE a home share, so you can't really dictate to your host how they run their life ... (unless the host's guests were rampaging through your bedroom, which I'm sure they weren't!)


In the Airbnb community, we are expected to accept each other's views on politics, religion, & sexuality, and not demand that other users are like us, so surely people are entitled to their views re Covid? - Whether someone else agrees or not?


If you feel the presence of your host's  friends is not for you, then cancel the booking. But please just let it go, & don't retaliate against the host or give him 1* just for having friends round....


Different strokes for different folks.....

I CHOSE a home share but I obviously did not know about the nature of the host and how I would feel there. I could only rely on the ratings, which were mostly good and that's why I went with that option. I wouldn't mind having people around but as someone with asthma I do not think that having large gatherings and endangering the lives of your guests is a good thing just because they believe in their own "freedoms".  They know that there is a pandemic going on and there are protocols in place, if I follow them, shouldn't they also? 

Also for views on politics, it is not nice to talk bad about other ethnicities especially in front of someone who is actually a part of that group. I am not living there for free, I am paying quite a bit of money and unfortunately I can't cancel it at this time due to holiday season.


But either way, thanks for your suggestions and comments nonetheless, I'll see what is the best way to deal with it.

@Ash3654  I'm so sorry this is happening. The host is absolutely in the wrong! They have agreed to AirBnB's Covid-19 safety protocols by virtue of being on the platform, and it is SO unacceptable that they are doing this. Please- notify AirBnB immediately. If you can, get the heck out of there. Your health and safety should not be compromised by an AirBnB host! AirBnB may be able to find you another place-even a hotel. 

And please do call this host out for their ignorance and discriminatory remarks. I'm just so horrified by all of this. 

I would definitely take the advice of @Sarah977  regarding a review. Keep it factual, but do let others know of your experience. If you can, try to be objective about  the other things you are asked to rate- price, location, etc. that don't relate directly to this Covid protocol violation (as opposed to 1s across the board.) Good luck. 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

'Having friends round' does not breach protocol. Protocol is about cleaning, masks & social distancing, it doesn't actually put a limit on numbers in  a house... Social distancing can be achieved by the guest keeping 2m from the gathering, or staying out of that room altogether.


Hosting does not mean a host has to give up their social arrangements..... I once read a  review where a guest arrived in the middle of a host's dinner party for friends, & the guest said it ENHANCED her experience, she did not say it should have been cancelled cos she, an Airbnber was coming!

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

Sorry @Ash3654 , I agree it's not nice to talk bad in front of other ethnicities, and wrong to deliberately cause offence.


My comment did not include this aspect, cos I don't know what was said, and because one person's innocent comment could be misinterpreted, my view is we can't complain about other hosts for what they MIGHT have intended by their words! 


I'd need a transcript of what your host actually said, before I condemned his words.


I am part of a minority group which, renders me subject to hate & discrimination, so I like to feel I empathize with others in a similar - tho' different - situation/demographic.


- And another thing , Your host might be risking his life by having YOU in the house; You could be infected? These things work both ways.


I'd hate to think this host might lose his listing when he is obviously providing a service to so many satisfied customers...


It could be argued that the safest thing to do is to shut down every single Airbnb all over the world, just in case?! - But life goes on, and people have to earn a living, hosts need to earn from hosting, and travelling workers need to travel for work, and some people still go on holiday! I guess those who are really worried should just shut themselves in at home & never leave the house?! LIFE is dangerous! We could die in a car/plane/train crash!

" And another thing , Your host might be risking his life by having YOU in the house; You could be infected? These things work both ways."


This guest said that they themselves were following protocols- I would assume that means they wear a mask when around others and maintain social distancing. The host is not doing those things.


And those who are concerned about the virus are taking recommended precautions, which doesn't mean they are shutting themselves in at home and never leaving the house. Why does everyone who thinks the virus is some overblow hoax insist on portraying those who don't as cowering behind closed doors, filled with fear? Which isn't at all the case. Does it make you feel better about your stance to demean others' concern and adherence to safety protocols?


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Helen350 You suggestion that  'we are expected to accept each other's views on politics, religion, & sexuality' is totally wrong when it comes in the form of discrimination. Also as the host is hosting they will have agreed to wear masks and follow covid secure principles so they should do so or stop hosting on Airbnb.

I think an honest review as suggested by @Sarah977 and a low star rating is entirely appropriate in the circumstances.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

Just to be clear @Mike-And-Jane0 , I am totally against discrimination, and welcome ALL into my home, (unless I think they will have a wild party, or be otherwise disrespectful!)


I don't understand your comment; having differing views from others on politics religion and sexuality is just a different view... It in no way implies negative emotions or attitudes to those who hold opposing views. 


As I've said before, If I only hosted guests who shared my views, I wouldn't let anyone in!


And I often find the guests I get on best with are those whose  would probably hold opposing views , if I was daft enough to probe, which I don't!