What protections does Airbnb have if Host already has some of your money but wants you to pay the rest off airbnb?

What protections does Airbnb have if Host already has some of your money but wants you to pay the rest off airbnb?



My friends and I had found and booked an airbnb listing about a month ago that would have us there from mid-September until November. The host on Monday sent us a message saying that she could upgrade us to a different, nicer unit that she also owned for the same price, except for a $300 security deposit. We asked her if there were additional terms and conditions and she told us no. We accepted the terms and then received a refund of our first monthly payment but the host kept $400 for the security deposit and airbnb fee.


Since Tuesday, my friends and I have been confused. We have called the host multiple times and learned afterwards that the deal for the nicer unit only would occur if we paid her outside of Airbnb. She sent us different "alternation requests" each time we asked to have the entire duration of our stay listed on the trip, and on Thursday she sent us an alternation request where we would pay entirely through Airbnb but the new request was 1.5x more expensive than our original budget.


We told her we wanted the original unit and we need the alternation request yesterday. She responds to our calls and claims she is driving, insisting she will get it done later at night. It is already later at night and this woman does not care.


What protections will Airbnb give us? I know we can get a refund for the $400 that she has, but is there a way that airbnb could ensure that we get the original unit? It is less than a week away from the date we would have checked in, and now we aren't even sure if we will get the old unit because the host has not given us any alternation request to confirm that.

13 Replies 13
Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


This host is unethical in trying to get you to go outside of Airbnb.  I recommend that you contact Airbnb, and explain that the host is offering you a different unit if you pay outside of Airbnb.  If you continue with the reservation, you will have no protections with Airbnb.  Request to have the reservation canceled and assistance with finding another place.


Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

Hi Debra,


Thanks your response. Do you have experience/know if Airbnb would definitely provide us with the assistance with finding a new place? We have tried calling Airbnb's customer service line but since we are still a little bit more than 72 hours away from the date, no one picks up and then we get sent to their FAQ section. Since we are so close to the original date, we don't know that we could find anything within our budget on this short notice. Any knowledge on this subject would be appreciated, thanks. @Debra300 

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



You have been given great information and advice from @Sarah977.  Continue trying to reach Airbnb, but you may have to wait until the 72 hour window.  When you do reach them explain the situation and emphasize how the host is requesting payment off-platform, and state that you do not feel comfortable staying with the host even if the original place is available, because you are concerned about the accuracy of the listing and host relations during your stay.


Sarah, do you know if the host would be required to pay any difference in room rate if the next place Stephanie and her friends finds?

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Debra300  I've never heard of that happening, that a host who screwed a guest around would have to pay the difference for another place that might be more expensive. Sure would be a disincentive for these scammer hosts, though.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Stephanie1722  It sounds like this host is scamming you. I would be really wary of proceeding with this reservation. I know it's crazy frustrating to get ahold of Airbnb customer service right now, but I think you should keep trying.


There seems to be something you don't understand- hosts do not get paid for bookings until 24 hours after a guest checks in. The host doesn't have any of your money at this point, Airbnb does. And the service fee you paid has nothing to do with the host- that is Airbnb's service fee, so it isn't possible for the host to retain it.


Thanks for the clarification. Do you know the best way to contact Airbnb? The phone line won't take me to an operator/rep until our reservation is 72 hours away, and I already tried messaging the ambassadors and am waiting for a response.

@Stephanie1722  Honestly, Airbnb CS is a total mess these days. I think you're just going to have to hang tight and hope you get a response soon. Nudge them with another message, making it clear you think you're being scammed, and that you need them to respond ASAP so you don't get left with nowhere to stay. And also that the host has retained what she claims is the Airbnb service fee (which is no way true). In the past, you would have gotten prompt service and Airbb would have looked for a comparable place for you to rebook, if one was available, but now it's just a crap shoot. 


Do not communicate with the host by phone, Stephanie. Keep your communications with her on the Airbnb messaging system so there is a record of what what said. Otherwise, if it's a phone call or text, it's just your word against hers. At this point, if it were me,  I might message her, tell her to reinstate the original booking NOW or you will be reporting her unprofessional conduct to Airbnb.

Thanks so much for your advice! Yes, my other friend on the booking had been our main communicator with the host through airbnb messaging, it was when the total cost of the upgraded booking became unclear where I started calling the host directly by phone. We have messages from the host on airbnb, which we have taken screenshots of this entire time, but the host seemed unbothered when we told her that it is against airbnbs rules and we will not pay off the platform. Our next step will to do exactly what you said and report her. Thanks again.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Stephanie1722   Definitely the water got muddied for you when the host offered to go outside the platform.  I agree with all the advice thus far but can imagine you and your friend are super uncomfortable with waiting until the last three days before check in to be able to speak with an Air BNB CS.  I would suggest you actively seek a plan B for a place to stay and sort out cancellations and refunds later.  As posted, the host does not have any money paid through Air BNB as yet.  Personally I would not continue to work with the current host in hopes of getting things straightened out in your favor.  I would cancel and seek to get a full refund including Air BNB fees on the back end.  If you have not already done so, use Twitter to communicate about this situation.

Hi all,


Thank you for your responses. As an update, I called the host this morning to set a firm deadline to receive what we had been asking for and she felt that we were threatening her too much so she wanted to cancel the reservation. The host ended up cancelling from her end, so we are receiving a refund.


I have contacted Airbnb messaging support multiple times to see what support they could provide as my friends and I now are looking for a place to live within a week. It is not an ideal situation, but we will be getting our money back which I think is the most that we'll be getting in terms of help from Airbnb.

@Stephanie1722  Although this has all been very inconvenient and frustrating for you, I think you dodged a bullet there. This host would probably have been an ongoing hassle to deal with during a month and a half-2 month booking.


And even though you got a refund, when Airbnb does hopefully get back to you, report what this host tried to pull. She should be delisted- hosts like this just give Airbnb a bad name.


Good luck finding a suitable alternative. I'd urge you to look for listings with hands-on hosts who only have one or two listings, rather than property-managed places with a bunch of listings, make sure the place has good reviews, and communicate with the host by clicking on the "Contact Host" button at the bottom of their listing description before  paying for the booking so that you are assured that this is a responsive host, that the place will meet your needs, and that there are no nasty surprises.

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


Thanks for the update, and I am glad to hear that you are getting a full refund.  Since the reservation has been cancelled, don't wait to hear from Airbnb for assistance with another booking, and start looking for another place to stay right away.  Just remember all of the good advice that you've been given, and do not deal with a host that offers to do anything off platform, and make sure that all of your communication is through the Airbnb message system.  If you do have a phone, text, or email communication, still follow up on Airbnb with a recap of what was discussed, and ask the host if you've omitted or misstated anything.


Good luck.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center




Well done, congratulations.


I agree with what other people have said in this thread. Payment trasactions amongst 2 complete strangers outside the airbnb- platform generally have the word „trouble“ written all over it. I'm reading the Community Center now for 2 years, and whenever outside airbnb-payments came up there always was some kind of trouble involved.


Don't do it, You didn't do it and You did well not doing it.