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როგორია თქვენი მოლოდინები წელს?
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The Community Centre is just the tip of the hosting iceberg, less than 5% of Airbnb users are active in the various language forms of the CC.
Just on the English CC board we are aware that Airbnb in the past week has blocked the booking calendars of the following fine hosts.
Lisa 723……………………Superhost…….365 reviews
Alon1.............................Superhost……..377 reviews
Belinda55………………...Superhost…….328 reviews
Ria16………………………...Superhost…….285 reviews
Emily1……………………....Superhost……..196 reviews
Emma2259……………...Superhost……..155 reviews
Nathalie-et- Gilles0...Superhost.…….143 reviews
Aidan65…………………...Superhost……..125 reviews
Ricardo85………………..Superhost ……..83 reviews
Deborah56……………...Superhost……….92 reviews
Clare167……………….....Superhost…….…58 reviews
Vangie9…………………...Superhost……….68 reviews
Debra300…………….....Superhost………..51 reviews
What was their sin, they refused to agree and sign up to Airbnb's ECP with regard to COVID-19 because, they felt the terms of the ECP were unachievable and unenforceable! These are hosts with integrity, the backbone of Airbnb! They could have simply agreed and kept on doing whatever they do. But they didn't, they took a stand against a completely ridiculous policy and their future reservations have now been compromised. The whole thing is obviously a sham because all they need to do to open their booking calendars again is, sign an agreement to the ECP terms.
But the worst part of this whole affair is, one arm of the company do not know what another arm is doing! Hosts are being compelled to make decisions on conflicting information! A request for clarification of the ECP by @Lisa723 got this response from the head of Global Hosting @Catherine-Powell ......
This response, although written back in November 2020 clearly states that everything that is made available to a guest must be washed and sanitised between guests. This is obviously a big ask, to wash and sanitize the entire property between bookings. This is exactly why many hosts chose not to tick the ECP requirement box, it is simply too big a task, but the head of global hosting has said.....that is what is required!
But low and behold another version of the ECP has popped up, once again thanks to the great work by @Lisa723
This has gone too far, Those great hosts I have mentioned above who probably represent less than .001% of the company's total hosts have been screwed because of conflicting information.
All we ask is for the company to be fair, we just want competent personnel to fill decision making positions. It doesn't matter a dime to them.....but it's our livelihood.
@Branka-and-Silvia0 Airbnb did not ‘have to do this’. None of the other booking platforms are bullying their hosts this way.
This is such utter bollocking nonsense. Airbnb, you need to admit you've made a mistake and ditch this absurd policy.
I took the whole thing as a legal disclaimer and if you ever take the time to read one after a group of **bleep** lawyers puts one together to exonerate their existence, you be frighten to death to use any products or follow any recommendation. It is the legal absurdity of the times.
And those that preach 'follow the science' - really? Which science, who's science? Even blindly following organizations like the WHO or CDC, well don't take out the microscope examining those two highly-political entities.
As with everything else, read and get educated and read many different opinions, some will come across as brilliant and just as many as nothing but charlatanism; then embark on a practical common sense approach for your own life.
P.S. Speaking of nonsense, just stumbled on this article after posting the above: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fauci-says-covid-19-vaccine-push-best-decision-that-hes-made . Fauci was once asked how much he knows of economics, his answer - "Nothing". Guess he didn't understand what the $7.1 billion dollars it took to start 'Operation War Speed' via private industry was about, probably too busy appearing on the cover of Style magazine being made a super star.
Thank you for this post.
There is a safer way to get a covid free home (and Airbnb can check it is applied).
The host can block 4 days between each stay.
Moreover, you don't use cancer-causing products.
If you don't get the covid but you get a cancer, what a great improvement!
The only advantage for Airbnb to imose that requirement is to repay scammers upon request and keep hosts in fear of scammers.
@Robin4 What was amusing to me , my last booking I had the guest cancel four hours after her check in time because of a family emergency.
I got sent a resolution to ask if I would return her monies. This is after it was deposited into my account.
Of course ! Happy to!
‘Very well we will take the payment from your next booking’
Me...... 🤔
Exactly, that's what the'Extenuating Circumstances' clause is there for Ria.....to give the guest an out.
I have had that a couple of times. One I subsequently found out, old friends of the guest in the area offered to put them up after they arrived here, so, a medical emergency arose, my reservation got cancelled and they got refunded, all except one night!
Got to look after those guests Ria!
The guest won't need to prove to have the covid on your property.
He will call Airbnb saying the home is not sparkling clean sending a glitch in a cup of tea and ask for a full refund when the host 'signed' the covid cleaning.
What do you expect the CS will do?
How do we know it?
Because there are many exemples of guests refunded for cleanliness without leaving the place.
Just in calling Airbnb AFTER the stay.
re 'The guest won't need to prove to have the covid on your property.'[
Please take the time and trouble to read that I raised this issue only in relation to a GUEST CLAIMING TO HAVE CONTRACTED COVID ON THE PROPERTY.
I have only stated that if the Guest is claiming Covid, then I believe Airbnb will demand a Medical Certificate.
So if the Guest isn't trying to prove that they got Covid on the property, you are going off on a tangent that is not my concern in this case. I am not making any comment on the Cleaning Protocols.
Yes there were exemples on the forum where Airbnb paid back in full :
- with a certificate showing a different name from the reservation's name.
- without asking any certificate,
- just in saying you have been in contact with someone who had covid (but the guest had not) and without any proof nor medical certificate.
Moreover, medical certificates of convenience are very easy to get.
You go to the doctor and pay for it.
The cleanliness covid policy is not linked to covid.
It is linked to cleanliness and the possibility to complain and to repay the guest for ANY glitch about it and without any evidence.
'- with a certificate showing a different name from the reservation's name.'
It's called Fraud. I expect Host can then pursue Airbnb by legal means.
re ' - without asking any certificate,'
I don't believe it. Please quote an actual example.
re '- just in saying you have been in contact with someone who had covid (but the guest had not) and without any proof nor medical certificate.
Again, I don't believe it. Please quote an actual example.
If you or anyone else can actually provide a single example, Host name and Date of Post, then I will change my mind.
Bonjour @Catherine-Powell
Thank you for your interest.
I have a long term Airbnb reservation (student).
He arrived in August 2019 and booked for one year.
As he is happy and as he is the nicest tenant ever (thank you so much Airbnb for making happy students and tenants), we changed the final date to extend by one year until August 2021.
We both want to go on renting through Airbnb.
Now we both want to add a new year until July 2022 but we cannot because the calendar is blocked.
I won't do any cleaning because it is an extension of an existing lease.
So what do you suggest?
- to fire the nicest tenant ever?
- to do a lease in direct?
- to do a new reservation on Homeaway website ?
- to change the final date on Airbnb website (if Airbnb unblocks my calendar) ?
It is a tough choice but Airbnb sometimes is the twilight zone.