Which do you prefer: Instabook or Request?

Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

Which do you prefer: Instabook or Request?

As a host, I have problems with both. With Instabook, we have the option to set parameters whereby the guest must be reviewed and cannot have negative reviews. With Requests, no such options exist.


With Instabook, you are allowed to decline if the guest makes you feel "uncomfortable," up to three times without penalty. With requests, you are allowed to deny three times before being penalized.


With Instabook, your calendar is not blocked if you reject the booking. With Requests, your calendar is automatically blocked for 24 hours unless the guest withdraws the request. 


At the beginning of the pandemic, I shut down Instabook. But lately I am reconsidering because I find the Request system to be quite burdensome, particularly since I get numerous requests from people who either have not read my house rules or are unreviewed. In both cases, I have to deny the request and am penalized or implore the guest to withdraw the request. 


I have suggested to Airbnb that at the very least, establish the same parameters for the request system as Instabook, and if the prospective guest fails to meet said parameters, then automatically reroute the prospective guest to an Inquiry.


I'm curious to know which system (Instabook or Request) hosts prefer, and why. Before I switch back to Instabook, I'm interested in host feedback. Thank you so much for taking a bit of time to share your personal host experiences. Others no doubt will find your input valuable, as well. 

1 Best Answer

I can see no advantage to either, frankly. if you have IB turned on and a guest is unreviewed, the booking automatically goes to a Request anyway. So what's the point of having Requests turned off and IB turned on? A logical and acceptable alternative would be for the rejected IB to automatically default to an Inquiry, NOT a Request  If the whole point of IB is to automate and filter, and hopefully hasten the booking process, it actually works against the host by automatically defaulting to a Request.


I am considering many different ways to incentivize potential guests to contact me BEFORE submitting a Request. I am also considering starting an exclusive Members Only club.


My problem is that I get unsolicited publicity in major online publications with pings back to my Airbnb listing and then during those periods I have no way to control the traffic or volume of Requests. So Requests end up being a giant nightmare.


Also,  high-end European sites, which have solicited my business yet I have ignored until now,  vet their property listings as well as participating guests. I may start paying attention.


If Airbnb doesn't self-correct soon to further protect its hosts, I will be actively looking for ways to replace the platform. 


And on a final note, VRBO uses the same useless Request/IB system. I checked. So no advantages there.  

45 Replies 45

J-Renato, does a prospective guest who wants to Instant Book realize they must be reviewed in order for the booking to go through?