Hi all.
I'd just finished replying to a specific topic, when I suddenly wondered whether Airbnb has a Glossary of words (with their meanings in different Countries), as I have come across a few differences recently, and if either I, or Airbnb helpdesk, had actually been aware that what we'd both been "saying" was more or less identical in both Countries, the mater could have been resolved in a fraction of the time, and to the advantage of all parties concerned.
Whilst I don't envisage an Airbnb/Hosts/Guests Glossary to extend to many pages, I am mindful that as there are - most obviously - differences from Country to Country, it is my opinion that knowing what is meant in different Countries would bring everyone together far more.
For instance, what would be your understanding of the word "waive" in the sentence that "I would waive all rights to my cancellation policy", and if a Guest was forced, due to a family illness, to cancel their stay, what would be your understanding of a Host being asked to Refund the Guest, when the Host hasn't received any money at all, and wouldn't until after the Guest (who cancelled) would have arrived.
Whether just down to interpretations, semantics, or differences between Countries' understandings, it would, I believe, be more beneficial to have an Airbnb/Hosts/Guests online "Glossary" to consult, than not; but then, that is my Own opinion, so what is yours?