Hi everyone, I’m Geo from London, UK. Nice to virtually meet...
Hi everyone, I’m Geo from London, UK. Nice to virtually meet you all! I have been air bnbing my flat out in Crouch End whilst...
Airbnb's website/platform is one of the worst I've experienced.
It feels like every time I click on something I have to walk away for coffee and by the time I come back, I forget what I was doing! It's SO slow. The calendar is a mess. The pricing is a mess. I have to click through a bunch of things to get to something so basic. And sometimes... I'll update prices and availability... and hit save and..... IT WON'T SAVE.
😐 You'd think a billion (??) dollar business would be able to have a website that works. And the burden of the torture is on the hosts which is probably why they don't care to fix it all these years.
I also experience very slow responses to any actions I take on the site. I've never seen a modern website with such a sluggish response. It feels like dial-up days.
This is so true even on my computer's browser it runs slow! On the app. forget about it! I literally neevr feel like leaving reviews and stuff because of that!
What happened where we could text message our guests without having our number? Why did they took that feature away?
I think it is getting even slower. Trying to edit photos today and it's virtually impossible.
@Lisa723 I got so disgusted I just gave up this morning and early afternoon were the worst it's ever been. I was able to do it tonight finally.
I'll note, for those who may not realize-- website performance is not the same at every locale, and some places may be slow while others are fine. ABB should address the overall problem, however-- as well as usability, which has gotten poor as well.
I have a fiber LAN connection + i7 gaming laptop with SSD and Win10.
Facebook and any other website is light fast. Airbnb is so sloooooow I think the server is down. And for every pages. !!
I guess it is not that there are so many people looking at it at the same time. It is probably the way it has been programmed. Servers are not well configured or too few. There must be something to explain why this website of a major player in this industry is so sluggish. I do not think they do it on purpose. Maybe they started with a quick & dirty code at the very begining and we are still using this crappy core, but it makes the experience unbearable.
You go to booking.com, hostels.com (...) and it is fast & furious. Go back to airbnb and you'll know what it used to be back in 90s, when we were using dial up line and modems.
I cannot remember that last time I was this frustrated using any website!!!?!???!!!!! Trying to delete, add and move pictures is insanely slow! I have been working on this taks for over three hours and I am nowhere near finished. This should take 10 minutes! My internet is FAST, my computer FAST. I am selecting pictures to drag into position. To drag a picture into position is taking me an average of three minutes per picture, to delete a picture an average of 1.5 minutes and to add a new picture 30 seconds. Slow is not the word. Get it together Airbnb!
I agree, this site is extremely slow on my end and loads each action min 8-10 seconds. It's an eternity, and no i'm not being sarcastic. Most websites are supposed to be loading at 3-6 seconds.
I can attest it is not location or network. I have tried on my personal brand new iMac in Salt Lake UT, and my hosting map take 2-5 minutes to load with a gigabit connection..... At my summer home on Maine no different. On my iPhone it can take up to 10 minutes.... holy cow...
Host from germany here - I am having the same problem. On mobile phone, the inbox loads reasonably fast (not lightning fast, but its okay), but on desktop the inbox can take as long as 10 or 12 seconds to load. I get 5 to 15 messages per day, and my policy is to always answer my guests to be a good host. Oh how I wish I could just click and answer. 😉
I have stomached it for months now, but now I needed to vent my frustration somewhere. I have a high-end gaming PC and extremely good connection, and other sites load blindingly fast. But the inbox (and to a lesser extent, the calendar) are a pain to use.
Just piling on here. By a long shot, it's the slowest website and app I use on a daily basis. For the amount of money I'm forking over to Airbnb--whose core business is still, first and foremost, a reservation booking platform--quick web servers are hardly too much to ask.
I have to agree, it's annoyingly slow. And I have a very fast PC. It has always been painfully slow. Sometimes I have alot of things to do and it is very frustrating. The app is even worse.
It's not hardware. I'm having the exact same problems as original poster, the site is incredibly slow. (for a modern website.) My PC is a new gaming rig, so has no problems running any website lol.
it's on a 50mbit connection too... and appears to be server lag.
I understand the site is really busy, but maybe their hosting needs some more bandwidth??
They're using Amazon Web Services. =/ Why are they having problems lol. Should be plenty of resources!
The real reason for this super slow, lazy and sluggish site is the technology used behind it.
They use Amazon (slow) Web Services, Ruby on Rails, and React Javascript library. This is a very slow combination. Maybe if they move on to Angular and Node.js we'll experience more speed. Good luck with that...