about my latest listing which got declined earlier about feeding dogs and cow

Level 2
Delhi, India

about my latest listing which got declined earlier about feeding dogs and cow

I have submitted an online experience earlier which got declined without a proper explanation, it was about stray dogs & cows feeding, and I didn't get why it was declined,

what I didn't get is my experience did not contain any animal abuse or dog sledding or we aren't doing any activity with wild animals which were mentioned in the email.


we are just feeling stary animal only cow and dogs in the center of the city and I read " quality standards for animals" as well as "animal welfare guidelines" and there is nothing mention like we can't feed stray animals.


please help me through this

thankyou 🙂


here's the main I have received:-


Screenshot (97).png

6 Replies 6

@Akash117   The explanation looks pretty clear to me.  You may not feel that stray dogs are "wild animals," but almost all of India's 20,000 annual rabies deaths are caused by dog bites. Considering that Airbnb has to front the liability insurance for your Experience, I can see why they don't find this an acceptable risk. Anything involving a direct interaction with stray dogs is going to be rejected.

or if I only feed cows? not dogs or any other strays

cow doesn't harm anyone.

will they accept?

look the main purpose is to feed the strays and we have a lot of them here


Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Only Airbnb knows but if the cows are wild probably not @Akash117 

only city cows and these are the calmest animal ever

@Akash117  I don't think it's a question of what kind of temperament the animals have, but rather the fact that they are feral and outside of your control. 


Since Airbnb is a US-based company, its policies tend to have American biases despite the global reach. Cows do not freely roam the streets of San Francisco, so people there tend to think differently than Indians about whether it would be safe and ethical to feed them. You might have different results if you offer your experience through an India-based tour company. 

yeah i get it.

thankyou for your reply though