account activated unexpectedly

Level 2
Tampere, Finland

account activated unexpectedly

I am a fairly new host, today, suddenly airbnb deactivated all my 3 listings on a basis of a dishonest review by an italian guest falsely stating that my place was not clean! What do I do? I have also had many good reviews.

Top Answer

@Maria13874  It is certainly true that guests can make up complaints, and say things that aren't true in their reviews. If you really are sure the complaints aren't valid, as you know, you can leave a respinse to the review to clarify things for future guests (and take the advice you've received as to how to respond to reviews- do not use a response to attack the guest, or to sound defensive).


There can be plenty of guests who aren't that fussy- it may be clean enough for them, or they just don't even notice those things. And there may be others who are more observant and particular. 


You say the toilet and sink were clean. How about all the corners of the floor, behind the toilet? If any area which guests have access to is seen as unclean, it will affect their view of the cleanliness of the place in general. That goes for any common spaces you share with guests, as well. The stairs they walk up to get to their room, for instance.


That you have medical training really has nothing to do with whether you know how to clean properly. I had a doctor friend whose home was the dirtiest, messiest house I've ever seen.


All that said, your house may be perfectly clean. I haven't been in it, so I wouldn't know. But if you are getting low cleanliness ratings and comments, from guests who aren't using that as an excuse to scam a refund, then you should take it seriously and ask some fussy OCD family member or friend to come by and critique the cleaning level after you feel you have done an adequate cleaning.



21 Replies 21

@Maria13874  Sorry, but I'm not in your camp re Covid. Almost 4 million people have died from this virus in a year and a half. 

I don't think vaccines are necessarily harmless, but the risk from contracting Covid is no comparison to whatever side effects the vaccine might cause. And of those who have had Covid, a large percentage are suffering ongoing debilitating effects. I don't plan to be one of them.


As far as your suspension- it isn't necessarily that you did anything wrong- it's just the way Airbnb rolls. Guests can call them making all sorts of bogus complaints and outright lies, and Airbnb just takes the guests words as truth and suspends the listing. A lot of the time they won't even tell the host what the complaint was, which is ridiculous. Hosts are considered guilty until proven innocent, like a dictatorship.

I have no problem regarding the suspension! I have also been waiting before getting the vaccine due to some reports about negative side effects!


Covid-19 certainly killed a huge number of people recently in India! I do not mean that it is not a real threat! The delta and delta plus mutations have increased the bad effects!


I actually was following what was happening in India on youtube! They were running out of oxygen it was really really bad!

@Maria13874  I haven't been waiting to get the vaccine. The only vaccines that were offered in my area were one of the Chinese vaccines. Which I didn't want because I wasn't confident that it would be accepted for entry into other countries, specifically Canada, where I am from. So I will get vaxxed in Canada when I go there in a couple weeks.

Yes it seems that the airbnb does favor the guests opinion. I was angry and frustrated about it last night, but now it is ok, I can see their method of functioning! I just have to be prepared to have demanding and/or strange guests sometimes, it is natural! I will try harder when it comes to cleaning!

Regarding Covid, it is no joke when it gets serious! Even a person who is active in sports and everything can contract it and it usually takes away any energy the person would have, I mean that one can hardly make it to the bathroom etc.

I was just referring to the general situation in Finland, which is very similar to Norway, as we have fewer people there has not been so many deaths, at least not yet.

You brought up a good point about how different people are. I will make sure that the space is clean, and will f.ex. see that I do not bring up doghair or hair in general. This is actually helpful to make me work a bit harder!



Level 2
Tampere, Finland

I would not take a chinese vaccine either! The communist party is so cruel to f.ex. the uighur people, and in general human life seems to mean nothing to them.

Here in Finland they are offering the Pfizer Vaccine, I will take it during the near future!