advertising objects Airbnb

Level 2
Vicq-sur-Breuilh, France

advertising objects Airbnb

Hello everybody!


As traveller, I discovered one day in the house of my host a keyring with the logo Airbnb. So I wanted to know how to get one and if other objects exist with the logo (cup of coffee or tea for example)?



6 Replies 6
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I have occasionally received these from Airbnb (one keyring, one throw/small blanket) and was told this were gifts for being a Superhost, but it's not every quarter or year. I have been a Superhost consistently for five years and have only received these two things.


I am not sure if you can buy them separately.


I haven't used the throw yet, but would mention that the keyring did not last long. After a handful of guests, it fell to pieces!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sylvie353 the CC folks very Kindly sent me a pack of playing cards last year when I was ill. We used them last night but sadly you couldn't easily tell the difference between the suits which made it a rather difficult game. I guess the cards were made by the same folks as made @Huma0 's key ring.

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada

@Sylvie353, @Mike-And-Jane0 , @Huma0 


I received a key ring  and note pads from Airbnb last year. I do believe that they are sent out based on CC contributions. 


If anyone has a blanket, I'll gladly take it off your hands and pay the shipping charges.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I have a blanket, but I am sure you wouldn't want to pay the shipping charges and customs from the UK to Canada! 


It looks okay to me, but I wouldn't class it as a super high quality item.


Interesting to hear that they are sent out based on CC contributions, but that would also make sense. I have twice been featured in articles on the CC and twice received the branded gifts, so maybe that's no coincidence...

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Mike-And-Jane0  "I guess the cards were made by the same folks as made @Huma0 's key ring."


I think you've finally solved the mystery of why the CS reps seem to always not going to be at their desks for several days right after they are supposed to be dealing with your issue. 


They are working making Airbnb gifts that are the same quality as their customer service.


Personally, I wouldn't want any of those  gifts, even if they were decent quality- I hate branded items and would never use them. I refuse to advertise someone's business for them for free, as if it's some kind of honor to be able to do so.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



I received a keyring, a poster and (twice) an Airbnb bag.


A lot of Airbnb stuff can be found on